Osiris=Brother Of Isis=Husband Of Isıs=Brother Of Seth=Brother of Nephthys=Male side=Male side of orion constellation,orion stars and orion belt=Father Of Horus=Uncle Of Anubis=Hades=Underworld
Isis=Wife Of Osiris=Sister Of Osiris=Sister Of Seth=Sister Of Nephthys=Mother Of Horus=Aunt Of Horus=Female Side=Female side of sirius star=Scorpion=Water=Eye of TNWO
Seth=Set=Father Of Anubis=Brother Of Osiris=Brother Of Isis=Uncle Of Horus=Typhon=Dog God=Disaster+disorder,Violence=Anarchy=Saturn=Capricorn=Earth, Soil=Satan
Nephthys=Wife Of Seth=Sister Of Seth=Sister Of Osiris=Sister Of Isis=Mother Of Anubis=Aunt Of Anubis=Aunt Of Horus=The Mistress Of The House
Horus=The Divine Child=Soul=innocence=Son Of Osiris And Isis=Nephew Of Osiris ,Isis ,Nphthys and Seth=Life=God=Zeus=Enlil=Jupiter=Saggitarius
First Horus Of The Horizon=East=East Rising Sun=Leo=Fire
Second Horus Of The Horizon=West=Sunset=Horus In Red=Horus In Blood=Ares=Mars=Athena=Wisdom+War=Fire=Hathor=Sekhmet
Ra=First Horus Of The Horizon+Second Horus Of The Horizon=east+west=Rising Sun+Sunset=Amon-Ra=Horus with two horizons=Ares+leo=Akhenaten's Sun=God=Mu=The Old World=Aries=Father of Hathor=Father of Sekhmet=Mars=Marduk=War
Anubis=The Eye Of Horus=6=Son Of Seth and Nphthys=Cousin Of Horus=Underworld God=Nephew Of Osiris ,Isis, Nphthys and Seth=Hades=Pluto=Death=Scorpio=Scorpion=The Eye Of Ra=One Eye=Illuminati=The Thirth Eye=Thirth Eye Chakra=The Eye Of Amon-Ra=Black Sun=Dog Star=pentagram=Sirius Star=The shape of orbiting venus around the sun=rose=Set-An=Son of Set=Satan=Lucifer=Pluto=The secret knowladge of 33. degree Freemasons=Aliens =Atlantis=The New World=USA=www=web
The New World Order=The Whole World is like USA=Globalism=The entire World Is New Atlantis=the four elements+soul
Hathor=Sekhmet=Second Horus Of The Horizon=Female Lion=Daughter Of Ra =Hera=Female Side=Aphrodite=Venüs=Beauty=Art&Culture=love & sex=lust=Wedding=Air=Libra=Liberty=Equality
Orion Belt:Source of all ancient egyptian gods=Ocean=Poseidon=God of seas and waters=water
Thoth:God of the moon=God of intelligence=God Of Emotions
Sobek=Sebek=Sebek-Ra=God Of crocodiles=god of Nile=god of dark water=god of Dark matter
Ptah:God of Architect's=God Of Egyptian Structures=God of city of memphis=Enki
Khnum:PottergGod of the inundation silt and creation=God of creation,God of children=god of pyramids
Heksagram=2 opposite triangels=God vs. Satan
The Fifth Element=Soul
Angels in Relegions=Mythological Gods
Ancient Mu
Ancient Atlantis
Ancient Sumerian
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
(The New Atlantis)
One World Government
-Final -
A brand new planet earth as a 9. member of Galactic Federation of the universe-
Look, Sirius star's running away from 3 orion guys after her right?
remember Matrix movie lol
Ok. Look Closer to her on that Movie poster.
They being able to see some distance in the future by reading an entity's consciousness, can see what an entity's potential is in regard to their plan for a New World Order, One World Government and connecting earth to the confederation, and therefore, they may take action based on their discoveries from reading the entity's consciousness, to hinder the entity's future progress.
One World Government is actually desired by an alien nation and not directly by beings of this planet however there're are huge diffrences between us, for instance,regarding to the earth their planets are way smaller mostly and have much less populations as well,essentially that is the main reason for that the Illuminati is planning dramatically reduce 95% of the world's population for the future.
The earth is in a particular position in the galaxy and has a special value in regard to the water on the earth as well as that central core computer that was placed under the earth's surface by Orion overseers from the past, when they in ancient times had great control over this planet, and they wish to restart that computer, and reclaim the planet as their own in their network.
Even though there are certain cultures that would have entities believe that they are the true owners of the earth and designer of the mankind project.
(Sort of genetic engineering of crossbreeding their own geniune dna with a champanzee like creature's)
the Reptoids date a claim back some ten thousand years
the Sirius groups claim to have taken control from the Reptoids
the Pleiadians claim spiritual connection with humanity
the Vegans see the earth as not theirs but as an ally to which they wish to assist and join the struggle against tyrannies from other extraterrestrial cultures.
The Orion Greys appear to be in a position of economic power, wherein they are more powerful economically, and thus hold control over other extraterrestrials, such as the Draconians and the Zeta Reticulans.
The small Greys or those of the Zeta Reticuli are basically mercenaries under the domination of the Draconians, the Draco Reptiles, which are subservient to the Orion Greys, even though they have greater military power and greater force.
The Draconian forces have the ability to take control away from the Orion Greys, but the Orion Greys are such good managers of planets that the Draco Reptoids do not envy them of their job and therefore, let themselves be the military arm of the operation, while giving the economic and political control to the Orion forces.
Essentially (people like me) we are a very few people in the human population who understand much about the overall picture in regard to the alien presence on earth or the agenda of the alien presence and its overall intent.
The Galactic Command, composed of the Pleiadians, Vegans, Sirius and Arcturans, is such that it keeps a low profile, because they have not been clearly invited by all of human representatives and governments to assist humans in throwing off the yoke of oppression that will come from these Draconians and Orion forces. In fact, most humans do not yet recognize this potential for enslavement by these forces, and therefore are more concerned about what kind of health and technology these forces may give them in terms of enhancing their own particular power over others on earth.Those involved in these higher levels wherein there is communication with the aliens, are more concerned with what they are going to get out of the situation as individual humans than they are by what the agenda has in store for the rest of humanity.
The recent death of Creston, also known as "Ron Rummell", is that which has been a turning point in regard to the Galactic Command and its understanding of the human condition, for this entity was not sent here simply to alert humanity of the presence and threat of the Greys and Reptoids which he assumed was his reason for being here. The entity also was here to find out, for the Vegans and Arcturans and others, why it is that the humans could not stand up to the dark forces in regard to the money system and the controls and power of those operating for the dark forces on earth. The entity having lived with very little income and having to depend on help from friends to keep his research going, had a very clear knowledge and understanding of the difficulties of living on earth when controlled by the money system.
It was not until the last few years that he realized the money system was essentially controlled and placed on earth by the Orion forces, and that it was a form of control over the masses of this earth plane, and it was not until the last few years that he realized this control had great power in keeping entities afraid, for they would be fearful of losing their jobs if they began to speak of UFOs or of aliens while at work.
The control of money was even able to determine whether entities in higher places could speak out with knowledge they had learned, could alert the masses, for in all cases if anyone bucked the system, they would lose their job and have no money and without money, they would lose their home and quite likely lose their family and it would become a downward spiral towards total isolation and despair.
When this entity was killed and moved back into contact with his Vegan friends and fellow associates, the first thing they sought from him was information on what his situation was like. Why was it so hard to do anything? Why couldn't he do more, when he knew what was going on? And his information was: "I had no money!" To them this was total puzzlement, for they do not use money on that planet in the Vegan constellation. The Pleiadians likewise, do not let themselves become controlled by a money system, nor do the entities from Sirius, nor do the Arcturans.
It's only those entities who are subject to the Orion influences who must rely and serve the money system.
The entity Creston, which was his Vegan name, also known as Ron Rummell, which was his earthly name, gave the Vegans and Arcturans and Pleiadians the information which they needed in order to understand why earth people have such a problem in throwing off the yoke of oppression.
With this new information, they now have an understanding that they may have to be more direct in their interference; that they may not necessarily have to follow the so-called "Prime Directive" of avoiding any influence on a culture unless invited.
They realize now that an invitation by the subjugated masses may not be possible because of the way the money system controls everything. in other words, in the killing of Ron Rummell, or Creston, the alien forces may have sealed their own end, their own demise, in regard to the Galactic Command, which after re-evaluating its position, and its status in regard to human affairs now has reason to become more assertive, knowing that humanity is likened unto the prisoner who cannot call for help because they have been muzzled and made speechless.
The future will determine whether this has been the undoing of the Dark Forces, or has contributed to their undoing, or whether it has helped them as they anticipated in ridding the planet of this entity, but this Awareness suggests it has backfired on them and will create repercussions against them that will be felt hard and heavy in the coming years, as they attempt to complete their takeover of this planet.
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