Win 10/64 Bit
Performance Monitor
All in one ram booster,.performance monitoring,shut down and screen capture shortcuts.
Command Prompt Here
A simple but useful tool which allows you to right click on a directory, and select “Command Prompt Here” from the menu.
(Just ignore Google Drive's virus warning this tool does modify the windows registry that's the reason of the issue, it's safe and clean, run as administrator)
Portable Care 1.0
All in one complte system care and optimising platform for windows 10 (64 Bit)
(Please install updates first)
Portable Apps For Ubuntu
(Please install updates first)
Some Usuful and necessary portable Win apps for Ubuntu
Of course you need to install "Wine" first:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel
Hack Tools Portable
Several portable password recovery tools for web and windows, sometimes might be useful optional En/Tr language support available. "winpcap driver" need to be installed for the sniffer tool,you may download directly from here
Ip Tool
Check out your Wan&Lan ip
Cihangir's Horoscope
Would you like to review my personal horoscope?
Net Tools
A simple tool for whois,ping and port scanner.
A simple,basic but lightweight and minimalistic standing alone portable browser,
it has amac os x like interface.
Firewall Test
A simple tool to test your firewall.
These following 4 extra apps are not originally belong to me however ı converted them to portable applications so that's why they are here, just click on the links below to download directly.
And now the 'Adwaita Ankh' theme is in the Vivaldi browser's theme store officially.
'Adwaita' Ankh theme is a minimalistic and elegant Adwaita dark theme that ı created recently.
Ancient Egyptian Ankh is a symbol of reincarnation, the afterlife, and spiritual wisdom ı believe.
If you're a Linux OS user on a Gnome desktop version and Vivaldi browser installed then this theme might be suitable for your system because ı designed it to fit in the Gnome dark desktop environment perfectly.
Clear Browsing Data Button for Chrome
A simple but pretty useful extension for Google Chrome & Chromium browsers,
material design (Clear browsing data) shortcut button,clear your browsing history and other personal data,enjoy.
(They Removed Tt From the Chrome Store Without No Reason)
Free Tarot Reading for Chrome
The celtic cross is probably one of the oldest and most widely used tarot spreads to this day.
It is versatile in its ability to cover those aspects related to your question or reading, and offers an in-depth and well-rounded interpretation.
(They Removed Tt From the Chrome Store Without No Reason)
Awesome Burning Guitar Theme for Chrome best fits with Ubuntu Ambiance, enjoy.
Pirate Theme For Chrome
A minimalistic theme for Chrome
Google Settings Shortcut
Most of the android devices have a shortcut app in order to launch "Google Settings" by default already, however a few don't but no problem here's simple 1-click shortcut trigger clone app to start "Google Settings" panel easly, enjoy.
Simple SU Checker
This simple app which ı created recently allows you to check quickly and easily weather or not your android device is rooted, completely free, ad-free and without limitations at all.
Simple Flashlight
I just created a simple flashlight app for android, of course full free and ad-free, download & install this app on your android device and enjoy lol.
File Converter
You can convert your files to any format you wish through this free, add-free and easy to use app.
Supported Formats:
Document: doc, docx, flash, HTML, odt, pdf , ppt, rtf, txt
Ebook: ePub, azw3, fb2, lit, lrf, mobi, pdb, pdf, tcr
Image: jpg, png, svg, tga, tiff, wbmp, webp, bmp, eps, gif, exr, ico.
Audio: aac, aiff, flac, ogg, opus, wav, wma, m4a, mp3.
Video: 3g2, 3gp, avi, flv, mkv, mov, mp4, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, mpg, ogg, webm, wmv, android, blackberry, iPad, iPhone, iPod, nintendo ds, nintendo 3ds, playstation 3 ps3, psp, nintendo wii, xbox 360.
Archives: zip, 7z, bz2, gz.
"Video Template for Blogger"
A unique and wonderful documentary website template for Blogger which ı created recently,
Pirate10 theme
A beautiful pirate desktop theme wor for windows 10
(Gnome Transformation Pack For Ubuntu 22.04 LTS- 64 Bit)
A brand new "Golden Ankh Theme" and also "Gnome Transformation Pack " for "Ubuntu Linux Distro 22.04 LTS"
Single command auto-installer, complete transformation pack from "Ubuntu Desktop "22.04 LTS - 64 Bit" to default Gnome desktop (Gnome 40-44+) including all gnome core applications right after next login.
I strongly suggest installing this package instead of a full "Gnome Desktop Package" right after a fresh and minimal Ubuntu 22.04 LTS OS installation on to your device because first of all this package does not contain extra and even relatively unnecessary third-party software such as "Remmina" or complete "Libra Office" for instance and secondly, it contains genuine stock "Gnome Desktop Environment" software only such as "Geary" stock Gnome e-mail client instead of "Thunderbird" which is a third-party non-gnome environment software.
Unfortunately, Gnome's default "Epiphany Browser" and 'Gnome Music' are not good enough by the way so ı rather use the "Google Chrome" web browser and 'G4Music' player instead which are also perfectly integrated with the Gnome 4 system but ı like to see stock Gnome software applications in my launcher anyways.
In short, this is a minimalistic and completely free package based on simplicity because the idea of Gnome Desktop Shell is based on simplicity and friendly usage anyway.
It's a gift from me to you guys.
"Ankh" is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol meaning reincarnation, afterlife, eternal life, or eternity.
Everything including custom Wallpaper, Icon Set, Boot Splash Screen, Login Screen, etc. has been designed and created by me except for the "Maya-Black Cursors Theme".
This package must be installed right upon a clean Ubuntu minimal installation for the best experience.
Extract the contents to somewhere and navigate to the downloaded folder in the terminal and type:
"sudo sh" (Without Quotes.)
(Sometimes you may need to repeat this process due to system updates).
Gnome 42 Dark Theme Apply Problem:
Simply use Light/Dark Theme Switcher Gnome Extension
LibreOffice (Extra):
"sudo apt install libreoffice-gnome libreoffice" (Without Quotes).
Text Boot Screen (Old School) (Extra):
If your boot screen is purple persistently (Due to Yor Graphic Cards) or if you like to get rid of the default Ubuntu boot screen quickly in accordance with "Gnome Desktop" then you may try this method alternatively:sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
Find the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" line and remove "quiet splash" (Keep Quotes)
sudo update-grub2
sudo update-grub2
Gnome Games (Extra):
"sudo apt-get update" (without Quotes).sudo apt-get install gnome-games-app (Without Quotes).
You may search for and install more softwares for Gnome Desktop Environment from the Snap Package Manager.
("Maps for Gnome" for instance).
Gedit default index.theme and replace 'DMZ-White'section with 'Maya-Black':
sudo gedit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
So it should look like this:
Check out "Help" folder for advanced customization.
Extra Software:
Get 'Google Chrome" from this link.
Install Flatpak (apt-get install flatpak) and then get the latest version of G4Music from their repo.
I'm not responsible for any probable damages on your system so use it at your own risk, it works fine on my system, however.
Adwaita Blue Folders
Default Adwaita folders various blue color versions, nothing more and nothing less, please note that the first blue version is the only Gnome icons theme which can exactly match the default Gnome dark theme blue color on the entire web!
Blue-gray and light-blue versions are also available in the zip file.
I think these themes are just beautiful.
Blue Version
Light Blue Version
-Fix broken packages
-Update your repositories
-Upgrade your system
-Remove unneccessary packages and dependencies
-Clean your system and apt cache
-Clean thumbnail cache
with one single command.
How to Install:
Open a terminal window and type the following commands (without quotes)
"sudo apt-get update"
"sudo apt-get upgrade"
"sudo apt-get install curl"
"curl -s | sudo bash"
"sudo apt-get install"
How to Use:
Open a terminal window and type "sudo"
How to Remove:
(Open a terminal window and copy & paste the command in red color below without quotes)
"sudo apt-get remove"
"sudo rm -i /etc/apt/sources.list.d/alien27_cihangircagatay.list"
![]() |
I've been lookin' for a working offline color-picker and identifier tool for Debian based Linux distros,ı tried a lot of guis from all sort of official and even unofficial repositories,none of 'em did work properly however so finally ı decided to buid my own script, now it works flawlessly and does its job, that's all what ı need.
This tool is also portable which means you may put it on a Usb flash drive and take it with you anywhere you wish,no installation process is even necessary.
I like to give it away for free as usual.
Coding Language:
Python v3.8 + some necessary libraries and some other dependencies.
now it should be executed.
Blue Feather Theme For Lubuntu 23.04 and +
-Nemo File manager
-Arc Icons Theme
-Plank (A simple Dock)
-Ark Theme for Vivaldi Browser
-A Special Wallpaper
Right-click over the downloaded and extracted theme folder open a terminal window and type 'sudo sh' as root (without quotes).
The wallpaper will be placed into '/usr/share/wallpapers' directory so right-click your desktop screen navigate to that particular directory and then select the 'Blue-Feader' wallpaper, go to the settings panel and select 'Arc Icons' and then set it as the default icon theme from the Appearance - Icons section.
Select the 'Faenza Silver' Icon set from your SM Player's appearance Settings and finally right-click your task manager and select the settings once again to set the Arc icons theme.
I switched to Lubuntu LXQT desktop from Gnome 44.4 recently, why? Because it's way faster, a nice looking but also very lightweight Linux desktop version, the lightest-weight actually, even more than XFCE and the old LXDE desktops.
My laptops are fairly old, their hardware configs are not very brilliant at the present and unfortunately, Gnome 44 is getting heavier and heavier and especially after the recent updates and upgrades.
The more it looks fancy the heavier it is actually.
But now we have Lubuntu LXQT, damn fast man this bro rocks.
Why do ı rather to suggest the original PcmanFM file manager instead of the goddamn ported QT version of it by this package by the way?
Well because simply it sucks,pretty buggy, it can not even display Gdrive's server files properly, check it out and you're going to see your file and folder names with some alien weirdo and confusing letters.
You will definitely need another manager installed such as the original PCMan, unfortunately, the canonical team is messing up a lot of details and important points. while porting all that stuff.
PcmanFM file manager is pretty much fully compatible with the Lubuntu system in terms of every aspect including the look and feel.
So obviously Canonical should consider to use this one instead inside of the distro or Cinnamon's Nemo for instance.
How To Enable Dark Mode SystemWide?
1.Install 'Kvantum Manager' package From the snap store directly.
2.LXQT Configuration Center/Widget Style = Kvantum
3.LXQT Configuration Center/GTK Style = Arc Dark
(For Both Versions, GTK2 & 3 Themes)
4. LXQT Configuration Center/Kuvantum Manager/Change/Delete Theme = KvArcDark.
Plank Preferences can be accessed by holding down the Ctrl key and right click anywhere on the Plank dock.
Just drag'n'drop to rearrange icons in the dock.
How to make Plank automatically startup?
From the configuration panel select Sessions Settings/Autostart and add a new entry as:
Name = Plank
Command = plank

Vlc Pirate Skin
A fantastic Pirate theme for Vlc player, please note that this is the only theme which is completely compatible with Vlc player on the web except it's default, exchange it with the original "default.vlt" file where it's located on your pc it's useally located in "c:/Program files(X86)/Videolan/vlc/skins" for windows and "/user/share/vlc/skins2" for ubuntu desktop
Twrp Backup 3.2 Dark Play Theme
A brand new "Dark Play" theme for "Twrp Recovery 3.2.1",
1.On the internal SDcard, go to the TWRP folder, and Create a "theme" folder in this one without quotation marks.
2. simply put the downloaed file ( in "/Internal SDcard/TWRP/theme" folder via your usb connected pc or via Twrp Recovery" file browser feature and then reboot recovery mode once again that's all enjoy:)