Alien: The Lighthouse


The Lighthouse
Wooden dark room of loneliness
burning candles on the dinner table
your lighthouse still looks like a pretty charming lady
smoke your pipe, lubricate the old rotten gears
and go upstairs
brightness of the light,
mesmerizing beauty of the sea
as the waves roar up to the rocks, feel the wind in your hair
the wind whisperes in your ear the old tales of the seamen
fearless heroes navigating the oceans
and this girl is just as an eye,
a sign of warning to avoid shipwreck
to save those drunk sailors from a damn bloody death
a source of trust tellin 'em you're not alone and safe.
the lighthouse turns forever and gives hope to the marines and the pirates
those who're in sorrow but seekin happiness,
shedding light on the sea reminds 'em of their childhood loves.
creepy and cold dark clouds awaits at the shore.
you're the lighthouse keeper guy you're the man of misery
before your soup gets called let's start with a prayer
fish is your main food and it's good food, Amen
The lighthouse bell warns you, the weather's turnin
a candle still burnin in the heart of the lonely night
and a handy magnifier helps out to write your daily journal
it's lonely late night and time to sleep
while listenin to the sounds of crashin waves into rock shore
those ancients giants of the sea take place in your dreams
every single cold lonely night
the souls of all those dead seamen in the fog vaguely
will haunt you in your sleep, will haunt you in your sleep

it's morning let's do a fishin
heavily foggy better first let's ring a bit the god damn bell
the song of the sirens, the song of the hell
thunderstorm roaring, lightnin strikes from a cloud to the shore, heavy rain
the wings of deadly winds on northeast and north,storm endless
as rain drops falling slowly in you metal bucket
is it a ship which you barely sea on the horizon
this's not good, hopefully she'll pass it's just tribulation,
no help and this's the last of the meat and rum by the way
even though never give up and keep fightin n trustin to your holy bible
keep the empty bottle just in case, still might be necessary
to be used as a messenger of your last rescue message
25 miles of the Irish sea, 25 miles of hell
check out your old chest mabe a last bottle
if you're gonna die already better die when you're drunk
gigantic waves of the sea, the madness of poseidon
the serenity of the moonlight is lost in the distance
put your rescue message in that empty bottle
and desperately throw it into the heart of the mad sea
this storm's a killer and has no mercy
quickly turn back n go inside, cause very likely it's deadly
recall your family, your fugitive mind, hanky-panky, no, gone, all gone..
remember once 6 men dead in a shipwreck cause yo're just drunk
so blame yourself you're the curse, and the storm's just the punishment
nerve wrackin sound of the blowing wind and the wooden squeaky door
go outside drunk and start yelling you're slowly gettin mad
curse the gods, curse the poseidon, curse everythin
no one hears your voice in your despair,
so vain, just the endless storm and the dark wavy hair of the witch
the cold of the night and the emptiness and you cry
and finally you've lost your mind, you talk to oneself whereas there's noone there
the nymphs are calling your name just look at the deep dark then weep n sigh
hey who's there, who's next to that door, get your damn old pistol,
self destructive paranoia, storm endless, you're stucked in the damn lighthouse, no hope
you're surely gonna die if you can't find a way out
a nightmare haunts you in your sleep again but this time it's the sinister eyes of an owl
there's no rest for you caused by your past at the edge of your shadowy loneliness
once again go upstairs, you're shaked by the wind and barely able to stand
Aha right there a sailin ship in the distance horizon,ring the damn bell help oh please help
but your efforts in vain 
the witch is waitin for you behind the window to suck your soul you're locked and cursed
face with the endless storm, face with the evil, the spirits of the abyss
once again write your god damn journal "AM I IN HELLLLLLLLLLLLL?",
you god damn maniac you're playin chess with yourself
you gone totally crazy cause you're the murderer of seven innocent men
once again you get to the top, more likely you're gonna hang yourself
thunderstorm roaring, lightnin strikes from a cloud to the shore, heavy rain
the wings of deadly winds, storm endless
as the waves roar up to the rocks, feel the wind in your hair
the wind whisperes in your ear the old tales of the seamen
"oh god please forgive me" you said and then tied the rope
the serenity of the moonlight is lost in the distance there's no hope
the sinister eyes of an owl, the souls of all those seamen in the fog
for a last time curse the gods, curse the poseidon, curse everythin
Seven, the punishment due, storm endless but it's the end.


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