Alien: Loving Vincent

Loving Vincent
Vincent, and 853 shots frame on frame hand pated scenes,
as in an expressionist style, how cool
yes he's a great artist and he liked flowers lol
such a good movie, artwork, truly

Is there a connection between creativeness and madness
surely yes
if you ask me the main reason is the journey of tired old souls
mabe you would rather to say
the biological reasons, chemicials of the brain whatsoever

on the other hand is it a good reason in purpose of explaining
such sick actions of those pedos or pervs so-called artists?
absolutely not

I don't see no reason not to become a lawyer
when movie directors become private detectives
and when there's a journalist guy standin at my front door
as a salesman or somethin
what's the reason not be a superman
and don't wanna be honest against no1 who's not honest
and ı'm truly honest againts evey1 bein honest

my third eye's open
ı feel, ı percieve
and ı'm able to see at the first glance
ı've a wisdom an foresight as well
just like a real artist
as it's meant to be as usual

What' does mean society
Hey society?
I like to invite you for a dinner
would you like to attend?
are you able to thing?

nowadays ı wish to become a prosecutor
ı'm a volunteered jurist of some cases
in L.A. how about that ha lol?

Vincent had a vision of yellow colored antimatter
he wanted to destroy the whole universe with his paintings
but when he's alone in his dark room on his own
he  only wanted to destroy his mind and himself

Yes he's polite and kind to you
but not to himself

so as a taken lesson and inspiration

ı like to be polite and kind to myself
but not to you

So society isn't it?


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