St. Alien: Portals, A Comment on Brother Richard Dolan's Recent Youtube Video.


No smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll,greetings from Turkey, dear sir, thank you so much, well ı think the Draconians and the elite think that to be more civilised and a more sophisticated modern sociery depend on more 'smart' hi-tech,guys like Elon Musk and pop culture only, 

However it depends on more education, wisdom and intellectual capacity and ideas actually.

The problem with those draconian elite basicly is they are so intelligent but they don't have enough wisdom, IQ and SQ and as you know these are different things. 

But on the other hand also pretty sure they're trying to poision and kill people through, fast-food, tobacco products,the big pharma and stuff like that, to be a reliable product is not enough it also has to be healty, that's for sure. 

Dear sir,ı think we have to be bit more social, as you know there's a huge gap and difference between rich and poor, nothing is balanced enough, there are tons of homeless people and even children living on the streets and sleeping under bridges in cold nights. 

I know that you still believe in capitalism but perhaps it's not a perfect economic system anymore, 

You might find my story a bit interesting and even funny. 

I believe that ı was meant to be or supposed to be an American originally but my destiny had changed through some unfortunate sad events at the very last moment so after a while ı had found myself here in this country thorugh an accident of birth. 

I know you might thinking that's ridiciuous and funny but that's the story, as a matter of fact ı've suffered from some culturel adaptation problems since my very childhood but know that everything is for a reason, there's no such a thing as coincidence and mabe ı was meant to be a sort of missionary guy or something,


Dear sir they are able to manipulate nonlinear time dimensional concept through some mysterious hi-tech portals, so they can predict the future precisely and they can also able to manipulate the past, so for instance if you ask them a question in your mind even silently they can answer to your question through a movie or a some kind of tv show from 80's or even 50's for instance, pretty shocking isn't it?

Thy are also able to manipulate minds and the perception, they can communicate with you through telephaty as well.

They are also able to kill someone that they don't like remotely thorugh a deadly natural disease gradually over the course of time without even touching him which means they let me to do and perform my mission for an unknown mysterious reason otherwise ı wouldn't even be alive,mabe they think that it's time.

Those portals might be ancient tech that had remained from Anunnaki gods, or draconian or reverse engineered alien tech from Roswell incident honestly ı don't know for sure but they surely proved me that they have those tech for instance and furthermore they implicitly try to imply me me that they really have it in their possession.

For instance tomorrow brother Kirk Hammmett the lead guitarist guy of the band Metallica is gonna release a new E.P. with the name Portals and also if you watch another show sister Rosemund Pike's wheel of time one again you will see that there's a sort of cenfession hidden inside that tv series. 

Surely they are also behind this covid thing and the war in Ukraine but honeslty ı'm not sure that weather or not they are doing this for evil satanic purposes.

So basicly what ı want is they have to expose the truth openly to the public through a press conference on the mainstream media because ı truly believe in "WE THE PEOPLE" notion but ı know that they won't do that because if they do more likely all Abrahamic religions will be destroyed, people will wake up gradually, there will be anarchy and chaos and they will loose their authority and power on the people that they consider as their servants from the beginning. 

The real main problem here as far as ı understand is that supposedly they don't like humans and humanity they consider people as disgusting chimpanzees,monkeys or wild animals, they thing that humankind harm the nature while they'consider themselves the real owners and the very first inhabitants of this planet earth.

The invasion of the country of Iraq in 2003 and ending the rule of Saddam might also be releated to those ancient Anunnaki portals by the way in order to capture those ancient portal and bring 'em back to America.

Saddam Hüseyin was reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar the great , the Babylonian ruler who is also important and has a negative impact in terms of the Jewish history.

As far as ı understand time concept is someting just like as a kind of lake forr instance and so they can penetrate or manipualte the specific portion of the lake as how they like through those dimensional portals or something like that.

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