Track Listing:
1.Cloven Hoof
2.Reach For The Sky
3.Laying Down The Law
4.Return of the Passover
5.Warrior of the Wasteland (Thank You Very Much)
6.The Fugitive (Live)
7.Jekyll and Hyde
8.Mad, Mad World (Certanly)
9.Victim of the Furies
10.Beltaine Fire
11.The Gates of Gehenna
12.Starship Sentinel
Well,let's get back to our original state which's N.W.O.B.H.M.,ı feel more comfortable particularly with this genre for an unknown mysterious reason.
I'm an underground dude, ı like underground music and N.W.OB.H.M. band might be considered in this category mostly,
Well but of course bands like Dimaond Head or Angel Witch,Saxon,Def Leppard (The First 4 Album with Steve Clark),Iron Maiden (The First 2 Album in Particular with Paul D,'Anno),etc. those are mainstream famous bands at least at the present so they should not be considered as underground anoymore.
We still have so many underground British metal bands from 80's though and Cloven Hoof is one of 'em but ı love particularly N.W.O.B.H.M bands with the treble voice vocal tunes such as Paul D,'Anno, Kevin Heyburn,Joe Elliot, Canadian band Cauldron's and even early days of James Heatfield's vocals by the way.
On the other hand Cloven Hoof's vocals are likely closer to Bruce Dickinson's opera sort of vocals style which is pretty much considered to be sort of other side of the N.W.O.B.H.M. music genre.
The cover-art of their album A Sultan's Ransom from the year 1989 is pretty ironic actually by the way in terms of my previous claims about the global cabal and their dark agenda, almost like a brief summary through one single cover design if you know what ı mean.
And of course when ı mention the term 'underground' ı rather mean bands that are outside of the matrix walls, in other worlds bands that are not even aware of the control and manipulation of the system,my previous bands Sea-Gulls and Gallows For Us for instance and ı think ı'm truly right about this matter.
The band Cloven Hoof is from Wolverhampton UK and those tracks are their best of the best so far but in terms of my musical taste only.
I had seen and witnessed with my own eyes in the distant past,witchery is a fact.
The witch,fuckin' bitch.
St. Alien
Unfortunately witchery is widely common fact particulary in our Rock 'N' Roll community,the Murderer Susan Atkins was a true witch for instance.
Witchery and witchcraft are still a bleeding huge matter in the heart of society even today, and today's modern scinece which doesn't aware of so many facts and truth currently will surely one day realize and understand that Sir Isaac Newton who's considered to be the father of positive science was also a true ouccultist and he was right about his claims.
Sorcery,wizard,witchery,alchemy,cabalism,etc. these are all occult mysterious facts which are releated to cosmic astrology, quantum physics,fourth,fifth and beyond dimensional worlds which are unseen to the naked eye, because unfortunately we, the human beings living in a limited 3D environment are not capable of understanding those realms due to our limited 5 senses capacities.
As a simple example, we can't hear sounds below 15-20 db. and also sounds over than 85 db can cause damage to our hearings.
That doesn't mean however there are no sounds below 15 db and over 85 db,lol.
The elite knows those facts very well, but they rather to hide them from the public eye as secrets for themselves and keep people ignorant and in te dark though the tales of allagedly so-called 'Modern Positive Science' lol.
So they like to refer to supertitious ignorant and outrages reactions of the medieval people against innocent ladies in an exaggerated way through novels, movies and tv-series' in particular.
As a matter of fact even though committing witchcraft is surely a sort of crime in my sight ı still love wicca ladies and ı don't want them to be punished through no means in our modern and civilised world, in others world ı'm on their side.
But on the other hand ı'd rather to stay away from witches though and especially those black ones, my choice goes to sweet and innocent white wicca ladies because ı truly love loyalty,romantism and long-term relationships.
Salem Witch Trials:
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in collonial Massacuhsetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than two hundred people were accused. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man, Giles Corey was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail.
Susan Atkins had converted to Christianity in jail before she had passed away, so she must considered to be an innocent and respectful lady by the way.
We'll keep goin' with N.W.O.BH.M.
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