Thank you very much for supporting me behind the curtain since many years even though ı wasn't aware of.
These are my final words for the Hollywood and the Elite society,please support everyone who's like Diogenes because those sort of people deserve more than what they have got,the agressive and harmful ones who're hurting the others through violence do not deserve to be supported even though they're right for their claims by the way.
To be unsuccessful in this life and our society is directly proportional with being opposed to the establishment,ı mean this fascist system, the people who are perfectly in accordance with it, they're always the most successfull ones.
Your shows and this entertainment business is not for me,most of your topics don't mean anything to me and ı can't laugh too oftenly as much as you guys either because there are al lot of problems,inequalities and injustice in this world that are enough to make me disappointed and sad.
My personality and ideas are extremely different and radical in comparison to the most of the people, ı am not an avarage 'man in the middle' sort of person who's on one hand handshaking with the establishment while being opposed to it on the other hand which is a dilemma,ı can't handshake with the devil and give myself away like most of the celebs and professional 'artists'.
If ı was poor perhaps ı would do that but to a certain point where ı'm rich enough not be in association with the system anymore and when ı start to feel free and indipendent enough financly then ı would disconncect from the establishment immediately, they are doing the otherwise ı'm afraid, despite of their richness they still keep going through an insatiable fashion which's truly awkward.
Poeple who are hiding so many dark secrets from the public eye on one hand can not have rights to critisize and question the system on the other hand.
Karma is not a spiritual process concept for individuals only, populations also have,our society has a karma process as well and sooner or later, our mother nature will get her revenge through some cosmic and solar events from our sick society.
Unfortunately everything has a price including this upside-down,inverted and immoral structure therefore sooner or later we all will pay the necessary price of for our al faults as the global society entirely, mabe not now but surely one day.
St. Alien
(The Duke of Star Sirius)
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