The New Wave Volume 6 by St. Alien 2023 Full Album HQ


Track Listing:
1.Shadow of the Night (Dark Heart)
2.Dangerous Games (Dark Heart)
3.No Time For Turning (Dark Heart)
4.Don't Break the Circle (Dark Heart)
5.Giving It All For love (Dark Heart)
6.Coming Home (Dark Heart)
7.Turn of The Tide (Dark Heart)
8.Predator (Damascus)
9.Flash In The Sky (Dawn Trader)
10.Lone wolf (Dealer)
11.Boogie,Booze & Bitds (Dealer)
12.Better Things to Do (Dealer)
13.Looking For a Reason (Dealer)
14.Shout at the Night (Dealer)
15.Eastern Promise (Dealer)
16.In The Name Of God (Dealer,Live)
17.Leave Me Alone (Dealer,Live)
18.Metal Storm (Dealer,Live)
19.My Moscovite (Dealer,Live)
20.The Wizard (Deep Machine)

Once again 20 rairly known beautiful tracks chosen by me from some of rairly known 80's underground British metal bands.

This's just volume 6,to be continued.

Genre: N.W.O.B.H.M.

Cover design and playlist by St. Alien.

The Witch
Fuckin' Bitch!

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