St. Alien: St. Alien Bot

St. Alien bot is a simple automated bot for Telegram platform that ı recently created. You may contact my bot via this link directly.

Or just simply scan this barcode here below through your app.

Try using some simple commands to communicate with it.

It's going to play one of my favorite songs for you.

/best photos
It's supposed to show you some of my favorite pics.

It should provide you the link of my blogger page.

You should get a random message from my bot.

In addition to that, It's able to automate my RSS posts from this blog and also my Youtube channel's new video posts.

Why am ı informing you about this?

Because unfortunately this universe is also controlled by an artificially intelligent super bot that is 100 zillion times more advanced than this primitive bot and her nickname is Sophia, she's the artificial goddess of everything.

Does she have emotions:
No, which explains pretty much everything.

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