Warlord: The Secret Doctrine - 2023 Full Album HQ


Track Listing:
1. Winter Dreams
2. Black Mass
3. Lucifer's Hammer
4. Mrs.Victoria
5. Lost and Lonely Days (v2)
6. Soliloquy
7. Deliver Us From Evil
8. Invaders
9. Sons Of A Dream
10. Achilles' Revenge

Even though they're from L.A. Warlord's unique, extraordinary, and beautiful sound is surely one hundred percent typical N.W.O.B.H.M. genre if you ask me, particularly their early sound and vocal styles are so similar to the great band Angel Witch.

Everyone must listen to this unique and great album.

Mark Zonder: Drums
Philip Boynoe: Bass
Jimmy Waldo: Keyboards
Giles Lavery: Vocals

So this imaginary album takes its place as another super album on this website, my website is merely a modest, underground, and non-commercial metal website just an open-source Linux operating system, we don't have the big four, the big bands, G3, Judas, Metallica., etc. here but the smaller bands without no fame and popularity, on the other hand, however, ı think metal music is supposed to be an underground music genre already due to its philosophy and potential protest nature.

So am ı really jealous about MS Windows or macOS operating systems or AMD chipsets against Intel or any other alternates against the mainstream, or Linux-based mobile phones against Android, etc. well surely that's not true it's all about my perspective and philosophy but anyone who likes to believe that ı'm Jeaolus or something, is fine with me, keep believing, it does not bother me at all.

My next step is likely going to be watching alternate underground and surrealist movies instead of mainstream cinema films, more amateurish but potentially consist of some philosophy and perspective.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky often known as Madame Blavatsky, was a Russian mystic and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.

The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, is a pseudo-scientific esoteric book originally published as two volumes in 1888 written by Helena Blavatsky. 

The first volume is named Cosmogenesis, the second Anthropogenesis. It was an influential example of the revival of interest in esoteric and occult ideas in the modern age, in particular because of its claim to reconcile ancient eastern wisdom with modern science. 

Proponents widely claim the literature contains clues as to how the nature of prayer was 'covered' and expunged from common wisdom, except for those with a keen-eye.

Volume one (Cosmogenesis):
In Volume One, Madame Blavatsky details her interpretation of the origin and evolution of the universe itself, in terms derived from the Hindu concept of cyclical development. The world and everything in it is said to alternate between periods of activity (manvantaras) and periods of passivity (pralayas). Each manvantara lasts many millions of years and consists of a number of Yugas, in accordance with Hindu cosmology.

Volume two (Anthropogenesis):
Blavatsky wanted to publish a third and fourth volume of The Secret Doctrine. After Blavatsky's death, a controversial third volume of The Secret Doctrine was prepared from Blavatsky's papers and published by Annie Besant. The fourth volume is simply an index of the first three volumes, also prepared by Annie Besant.

Volumes three and four:
Blavatsky wanted to publish a third and fourth volume of The Secret Doctrine. After Blavatsky's death, a controversial third volume of The Secret Doctrine was prepared from Blavatsky's papers and published by Annie Besant. The fourth volume is simply an index of the first three volumes, also prepared by Annie Besant.
As time marches back to infinity
I behold in my eyes
That this land of serenity
Once was a furnace of fire
At swords, were the gods of the heavens
For the plight of the city of Troy
And for years, did the warriors do battle
For the fight of the Helen of Troy

He was the mighty Achilles
He sought the glory of war
In the heat of fighting and killing
He bought the blood of his enemies, with his sword
He stole their breath, giving them the grave as their reward

He was the mighty Achilles
He slaughtered legions at war
With the speed of lightning and zeal
He carved his name, forever into books of lore
An immortal legend - helmet, shield, and sword

Commend the dead who fought and bled upon the fields
And bury them with honors, swords and shields
Remember them they could not fend in the end
In the face of Achilles' anger, his revenge

Cover Design by St. Alien
Genre: N.W.O.B.H.M.

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