Arthur Miller’s The Crucible - Full Play


American writer Arthur Miller’s The Crucible (1953) is a partially fictionalized telling of the Salem witch trials of 1692/3. 

Accusations of witchcraft following a game played by the daughters of a Massachusetts village spiral out of control and many must choose between their reputations and their integrity. 

This production, captured by Digital Theatre live at London’s Old Vic theatre, was directed by Yaël Farber, starred Richard Armitage as John Proctor, and enjoyed a sold-out run, receiving widespread critical acclaim.

My Personal Comments:
All those primitive ancient people of Salem except for a few such as the anarchist Mr. Proctor for instance and their awkward and unbearable behaviors and baseless claims are so important in terms of depicting the utterly dangerous side of ignorance and an ignorant society.

On the other hand that does not mean however witchery, paranormal African Vodoo techniques, and practicing witchcraft are totally superstitious and false beliefs.

There are certain various paranormal ways to orchestrate the existing positive and negative multidimensional frequencies, vibrations, and quantum-level powers in order to harm others remotely and there are also some other methods to view and spy on others remotely even from the far distant.

There is also some truth in telekinesis which means a hypothetical psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.

Telepathy and telepathic communication methods are also well-known extraordinary methods and techniques.

Satan is real, the devil exists sir, it's not an ignorant false belief or merely superstitious,ı sense it, ı feel it, it's out there, evil never dies they say. 

Satan loves ignorant people just as presented here in this play because they help him to convince intellectual people in the direction of his will, he wants people to believe that he does not exist. 

So who's the real devil actually? 

Is it the elite Anunnaki, elongated skull gods, multidimensional jinns, Draco reptilians, the fallen angels, lucifer, or something else? 

Or perhaps is it simply X, ı don't know exactly but what ı know for sure is they're here since the beginning of mankind and they rule this world, they cheat, they manipulate, they control your minds whenever they need, they also able to manipulate the fabric of time and space though their advanced tech. 

Classic leftist doctrines are ignoring or missing some truth in regards to the secret knowledge and dangerous paranormal control over the populations through magic and through performing forbidden and secret teachings, such sort of horrible practisings which had existed for hundreds of thousands of years beginning from early ages.

The Aztecs, Mayans, Ancient Atlanteans and Egypt, Ancient Sumer, and their supreme priests had been knowing all those secret doctrines but they had preferred to keep this knowledge hidden from the public eye. 

It's time to review all those classic Marxist and Leninist or Anarchist doctrines and their structure that remained from the 19th century in order to create a modern version of leftism based on absolute freedom, libertarian ideas, free information, profound knowledge, quantum physics, and quantum level analysis, paranormal frequencies vibrations in our universe. and some more truth.

To me, the real celebrities are theatre play performers, creators and directors of the world rather than Hollywood faces and of course also classical music performers, musicians, maestros, opera performers, artists, painters, and so on.

I would like to read their comments and see their faces in the mainstream media instead of some other mediatic unnaturally exaggerated actors and performers in the movie industry.

Did you know cinema is not even considered to be a branch of the fine arts officially?

It's rather a kind of entertainment business sir.

Napoleon, the new upcoming biofilm, well it's a cliche, they covered the guy many times in recorded movie history already.

How about Marx, Engels, Bakunin, or Anton Chekhov, Erich Fromm, Bertold Brecht, Albert Camus,Bach or Paul Cezanne, Picasso,Heraclitus, Descares, Spinoza, etc. 

I mean we have lots of musicians, artists, philosophers, and such similar creative people in order to be covered by the white curtain.

Well, we all know the obvious answer ı guess.

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