Alien: Beyond Good And Evil

you are belong to Satan

Peace,compassion,being sentimental,helpfulness,goodwill,smiling face,
you are belong to God

Arrogance,vanity, lord it over,ruthlesness,cruelty,greediness,hungary for power,malice,all sort of lies
you are belong to Satan

you are belong to God

Numbness,inactivity junk foods,fast food,smoking,synthetic drugs,
all originated from Satan

Exercising, sport activities,hardworking,wealthy lifestlye,meditation
all comes from God

Capitalism,monetary system,selfishness,The New World Order,money oriented society,worshipping material things
are belong to Satan

Free collectivism,sharing,equality,justice,knowledge,science,
are from God

Tyranny,dictatorship,totalitarianizm,fascizm,manupulation,management of perception,political &social engineering, monotype society,authority,imposition,commercials,advirtisement
all from Satan

Art,good music,sex with love,intellectual knowledge,natural things,reading,,knowing things,to be informed with the truth,,natural good foods,a lifestyle in harmony with nature,being natural,acting natural,dressing natural,enjoying your life
are all from God 

fame,fashion,waywardness,recklesness,pop culture,idiotism,magazine,mainstream media,disinformation,sex without love,perversion,pornography,an artificial monotary lifestyle in cities ,Patroleum products,using old style energy sources,gas stations,factories harming the environment etc.
comes all from Satan

A modernized village sort of lifestyle,using natural energy sources only,riding bicycles,taking care of our environment and animals etc.
all comes from God

Freedom is from God
and ignorance is from Satan

John Dee you are my mate
 John D. however you are not 

Atlantis is moon
Mu is sun

hate you are Satan
and love surely you are God.

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