Paradise Lost: Time Manipulation - (2022) Full Album HQ


Track Listing:
4.The Painless
5.Pity The Sadness
6.As I Die
7.Embers Fire
9.Forging Symphaty
11.True Belief
12.Shallow Seasons
15.The Last Time
16.Forever Failure
18.Yearn For Change
19.Shades of God
20.Hands of Reason
21.I See Yor Face
22.One Second
23.Say Just Words
24.Blood of Another
26.Fallen Children
27.Beneath Black Skies
28.Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
29.Solitary One
30.Fear Of Impending Hell
31.To The Darkness
32.Tragic Idol
33.Worth  Fighting For
34.The Glorious End
35.No Hope In Sight
36.Beneath Broken Earth
37.Fear of Sinece
38.From The Gallows
39.The Longest Winter
40.Symbolic Virtue
41.Fall From Grace
42.Hope Dies Young

'Paradise Lost' is another Doom/Gothic genre metal band from UK. 

Please note that these imaginary albums which ı've created recently are not considered to be as some sort of 'Best Of' or 'The Greatest Hits' but just some tracks from the band's various albums that selected according to my personal musical taste only.

And ı've no claims telling that these are their best songs by the way because 'musical taste' is a relative term.

As you guys know 'Paradise Lost' is an epic poem by the 17th century British poet 'John Milton' and basicly it concerns the mythological and biblical story of the fall of man,the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

But of course all these myths are based on facts as usual.

Now, once again they keep showing me many dogs in their movies more and more perpetually despite my obvious positivity kindness and goodwill which might considered to be highly in contradictory with friendship and bona fides.

I made some mistakes and apologized, also they did and they apologized as well and then we turned the page for a new start, a new beginning based on positivity and friendship.

So according to Aristottle logic it's safely possible to say that what they are doing at the present actually make no sense at all, totally nonsense.

It's another fascist attack and insult against my honor,dignity,nobility and wisdom which gives me the impression of an unstable,sick and perverted mindset or mentality at issue right now at the moment dear sir.

How Dare You?

This is obviously a sort of outrages harrasement method in my terms.

Day to day more people believe that there's obviously something wrong with the elite, we have impossible to avoid highly serious claims escelating day to day suggesting that these minority and privileged  wayward people have no abilitiy of emphaty against others, they are so sick and therefore obviously need professional help.

Because due to their super rich lifestyles they have everything even more than they need already and therefore as a matter of fact they don't know what to do anoymore which causes traumas,anxiety and furthermore pursuit of perversion ı'm afraid dear sir.

In regards to various disgusting and so sick pedepholia - child abuse scandals of some of those celebrities in the recent years in particular all these cases shouldn't be surpise for us actually if ı'm not mistaken by the way.

And now once again they get pissed off because ı'm saying all these things here but why?

Because obvioulsy you guys deserve it.

Am I Right?
Is It clear what ı'm saying here?
Do we understand each other dear lady?

-Dear Mr. Bruce Willis keeps casting in in more and more low-budget actions movies day to day especially in the recent years which seems a little bit weird to me if ı have to admit by the way.

These guys keep so many guns in their hands on the cover of all those movies that give me an impression of promoting of violence and hatred in a sort of non-intellectual manner.

Dear sir day to day, we have more violence and blood on the streets escelating as severely alarming manner in numbers and statistics.

 More likely you know for instance once again six dead and 10 injured in California gun attack just a couple of days ago right?

So ı kindly lile to ask you guys not to produce too many movies based on gun shooting and violence if possible please.

Because nowadays due to so many unexpected updates and events we're all a little bit exhausted globally ı suppose, it must not be so hard to realize that nobody feels so good around anymore.

And considering the situation ı think we need more love,peace,harmony and positivity in our lives more than ever!

Perhaps it might not be a good time in order to produce those sort of movies in my opinion dear sir.

Thank you very much.

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