Alien: Who?

It's pitch dark 
howling in the wind, wolves in the distance 
those at the moon barking
now he takes a look me in the eye
but the only thing ı can see is the reflection of the fire
a new conversation is about to begin though
at this campfire.

Now tell me old solitary man
Who's the actual god of old testament?
 and the ancient worlds?
Infact who rules the planet earth?
is it just a fallen angle 
or the black god?

who's in charge here ?
who's the absolute power ?
The art of surrealism is meant to be what?

Exodus, genesis, the ten plagues of Egypt were sent,
calamities, the storm the lightning in the sky,
Infact who had appeared to him in glomorous flames of fire?
who did actually punish the Pharoah for Abram's lie?
or what kind of a bloodthirsty god 
could dare to kill an innocent child 
or would demand sacrifices
for any reason whatsoever

Who's the real god of Sion?
who had promised the cursed lands?
Esoteric methods,the ancient doctrines as a cure?
Teach me the art of the stone mason,
 or as a spiritual  practise some kabbalah.

answer me...


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