Alien: Artificial Heavens

So God created mankind in his own image
Genesis: 1:27

Infact basicly Annunaki's first attempt to create an artificial live earth-like blue planet including conditions that support life was planet of Mars, in other words the lost city of Atlantis was on Mars not on Earth lol, however the subject highly advanced Martian civilization destroyed itself very likely as a result of a mega destructive nuclear war due to inevitable well known human problems (which still exist today here on earth) such as greed,agressions,militancy,selfishness etc. or mabe everything on the planet were just wiped out of a sudden caused by a gigantic astroid impact just like our "dinosaurs disappearance 65 million years ago" story who knows.

Afterwards their second attempt had taken place (the holy creation process) and our artifical but beautiful planet earth attached along with an artificial satellite named Moon (for spying&stalking purposes) had been born and please believe me by the way actually Man walked on this planet millions of years ago but not definetely just a couple of some one hundred and thousand years.

Alhough they're an highly advenced civilization compared to us and their avarage life expextancy is far beyond us (like 400-500 years) still for today it's impossible for them to travel interstellar distances within a complete lifetime period of an extraterrestrial (but human like us) entity therefore they have to wait for some 3600 years to be completed of their planet's one orbital journey, when it's close enough they jump to the earth by their mothership but even though they don't have appropriate conditions in order to be able to shave in that ship, therefore when they got here usually their beards are pretty long just as a Hermit's or mabe as much as "ZZ Top" Band members lol (remember Sumerian tablets?) and ı'm pretty sure that they're all long haired as well, all bad-ass rocker dudes yeah.

So nyways, it's a good possibility that Isis Mary is their sun (The real one) that's why we see Sirius star logo everywhere whereever we look whatsoever (ı mean as a sign of 'em, indicating that they're the one in other words they're the real boss around here u know), please note that Sirius is also an extremely important star which has a strong influence and power in terms of astrological effects on earth since very ancient times but that's another story.

When the subject comes to Those "grey aliens" well you know what? infact they are just like our greenish android guy lol but of course a little bit "further tech" or mabe that rover "Curiosity" currently continuing missions to explore on Mars is a sort of primitive version of those humonoids, essentially they are capable of controlling their ships remotely with their brains, in other words  what we are talking about an integrated wireless but biological control mechanim via using their brains's synapsis as virtual ports, can you imagine how advanced they are,these man-made entities have chackras just like us, they know how to use their wide open third ey,e they are able to communicate
telepathically mind to mind, also they have hypnotic mind control and manipulation abilities etc. however in the far future surely we will be able to manufacture similar biological humonoid life forms who have extreme artificial intelligence but still at the disposal of mankind it's very likely that they will be highly intelligent robotic entities having a lack of emotions (that's the difficult part by the way) but acting collectively and perfectly following orders, also this very time is the time when Hollywood movie scenarios- like issues such as Terminator movie series and etc. begins lol. anyway yesss they are watchin us! since thounsand of years it's needless to say that that's a pretty ancient program lol.

Ok. check this out ,you know what ı think? one day there will be a term like "Virtual Border Security"who secures the virtual borders of the" Matrix" heavens, gigantic virtual territories made of hologramic multi-dimensional environments filled with artificial tons of bytes memories and pink lies, stuff like that.

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