Alien: How To Build and Publish Debian Based (.deb) Packages Easily

In this tutorial ı'm going to show you how to build and publish debian based (.deb packages) easily.

The process of uploading ".deb" packages to  official Launchpad servers is a little bit tricky, for instance you have to sign your packages digitally after building and there are also a lot of pretty confusing extra steps.

So with this shortcut method you are going to be able to skip all those extra steps and thus you are going to save your time and energy.

Step 1
As an example download my zipped "" project source folder and extract the content into the "~/" directory,so it should be like this "/home/your username/create_deb"

Step 2
Revise and edit every single file inside that folder manually via "gedit" according to your personal project info.

Step 3
When you're done and everything is okay it's time to build your project,open a terminal window and copy & paste the commands in red color below without quotes:
"sudo apt-get install devscripts"

and then:
"dpkg-deb --build "$HOME"/create_deb "$HOME"/create_deb/filename.deb"

Replace your project's ".deb package file name" with "filename.deb"
If all goes well now your ".deb package" should have been built inside "create_deb"  folder.

Step 4
Register a free account at then
upload your" .deb package" to this server and finally get your codes (which are necessary for installation process) that's all,you're done!

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