Alien: Gods of Egypt

Gods of Egypt
A so-called paradise,unjust,cruel,slavery
The gods were taller,running gold through their vains instead of blood
bloodthirsty Anunnaki rulers and their aggressive children,
ancient giant Nephilisms walking the earth

cannibalism,shapeshifters frightening beasts,crazy like hell 
black and white,Osiris and Seth,Upper and Lower Egypt
two holys stars,those kingdoms divided
but the question is do these gods really care about you?

Horus,a mighty innocent child
the luminous efficacy of daylight 
beyond the shadows of the underworld and death
lord of the air in human form
the shining one,it's time to wakeup

look,"jewelry excites me" the goddess Hathor says,
obviously her jewelry heart is filled with compassion,profundity,romance and love.

Oh Hathor,the queen,goddess of love, 
behold,even she is going to kneel in front of me 
because ı'm the god of this holy land and of course this planet earth.

Thoth, the god of wisdom and your emerald tablets
as above so below,just as as you and me
but unlike you ı'm destined to walk this world alone,
no one beside me,no ne to guide me
but damnation,
damnation of your words and your emerald tablets

Hail Ra, god of light, 
don't fool yourself jut turn and look at your uncle Seth
did you really kill him? 
Or was it a hallucination,just a visual dream?

Do we have plenty of gold for the afterlife?
And do whe have a bit of mercy and wisdom just for today?

Toast for the Egypt's greatest builder,Seth,Saturn,Satanas,
toast to your legacy.

Gather your army you need to fight for your gods,
but your gods don't need to fight for you,even though you are a false god

swords clash royality, sweet sounds of metallic drawns
the victory is yours and no one ever could stop you

Horus we're going to die,oh Ra please help us
Mortal or Bek what does it matter, what is the difference, 
afterall only those who have real names are Anunnaki gods

Horus wants to bring back mortal women from death
Horus wants a bit too much and besides who really cares about what he wants?

Oh Hathor you have to be exausted cause of so much lie
and ı have to be exausted cause of so much love, 

ı did love Neftis once but then ı did cut off her wings
never love a woman that always flying

A mirage of insanity and golden sand,hot sunny desert
horus keeps shining upon the cosmic souls of the great pyramid

you Anunnaki phaoarh rest in peace inside your tomb,
only ı can hear the sorrowful melodies of your massive black sarcophagus

now ı am able to see your deep dark soul floating in the depths of eternity
infinite black ocean,the dream of the darkest skies

retaliation, time to get revenge on seth, the father of corruption
of course everyone is a bit fool, but you my lord, a bigger one

Zaya can you hear me?
Who's there?
ı'm Hathor, the goddess of love, mistress of the realms of the west
ı speak to you from the land of the living and your beloved is with me
but ı can't see him

but she can return 
because afterall ı'm a goddess, ı can always find a proper way
to get someone back even from the darkest depths of the underworld, 
resurrection is possible from the realms of death

ı'm helping to Osiris and he promised that in return he is going to save us all
don't worry Zaya afterall Horus is a just god.

But don't forget it's forbidden to speak of death
so she walks towards the holy boat 
which is waiting for her on the silent mystical river
in order to get her back to the underworld
from the shores of daylight and life

Now they need to figure out a way
in order to pass through the impassable wall of seth
but do you know which one is the right door 
that would be leading us directly to hell
Here we go, jump from one to another
good job,we are in now show me which way to the sphinx

then a freaky beast obstructs their way
-who dare to bother the king in this holy place, answer my riddle or die

"ı never was and ı'm always to be, none ever saw me and never will but yet ı'm comfort as a being living and breeding, so what am ı?"

order,you are order
wrong answer
so you are purity
wrong again
so that should be something imaginary
oh you are tomorrow then
finally true hence ı'll let you all go
but one more trap tricky and eventually Seth shows up

Do you think you could turn your beloved back from death
not even possible for me

how the hell do you think a blind useless god could help you, just ask him
is it true?

Horus gets nervous, the hole structure is tumbling down
why couldn't you help us Horus what kind of a god are you?

listen thief ı was in a tomb so ı did not hear
no,because all you are caring is your stupid vengeance,
 ı started to thing mabe ı's wrong about you

Anubis, come forward
Mistress, you are still as lovely as the first dawn
can you help us?
you ask for too much Mistress, that would require a very special treasure indeed
would this bracelet be enough for the payment?
Yes Mistress, goddess of the west world
but she's gone
take this bracelet thief, and just do what you need to do

Father turn your eyes a bit from your sails and look at what ı've done
what Osiris never could,I rule all that breathes and all that is breathed upon
none is mightier below the sun.

Tell me father why was I cast out alone to walk on burning sand,
while my brother played barefoot by the shores of the Nile?

Why did you make Osiris king?
And why did you give him a son?
This was your test
but you did not test him
He had  given away his power freely and thus he passed his test already

Now take my place and this is how your test ends, my son

now just tell me what do you want
Immortality awaits us all in the Afterlife
but ı don't wanna die and wanna live forever
down there in the lands ı conquered
my kingdom this should be my reward

you would unlish chaos upon creation?
you would destroy everything?

ı'm more than a god father and it's time to take your place

gods anger,clashing swords of hell,bursting everything
you're death father, mabe that was just destiny

Ra has fallen,Set has unleashed chaos.
So how do we stop him Horus?
don't know but you never give up do you?
hury we must return to the capital then we have a long walk ahead of us
but as you know gods prefer flyin'
oh Nephthys even beyond death,she's trying to help us.

Here ı'm come,demon,Seth said
taste my anger sword's punishment, you are destined to death

He's drawing Apophis to the Nile to the source of all life
To drink destroy all creation.
We need to get back Ra's spear

Clashes of two Anunnaki gods flying in their hi-tech glamorous alien suits
powerful wings of hate and destiny

lightnings strike,,whispering of hearts,crying mother goddess
could fate lead this lonely holy child to victory?

behold the battle of two mighty gods which took place in heavens
but ı spared you once.ı showed you mercy
and these were the last words of Seth who's defeated
Horus sticked to spear in his chest and killed the god of chaos
because there could be no mercy for the source of darkness and corruption 

No,it's time to save your grandfather
here's the holy spear of Ra, destroy the crulty

Daylight again, the cosmic power of mercyful sun, the holy child shines upon
and there are lessons to learn from each story don't forget

So this was the true story of ancient gods of Egypt which once took place in antiquity
 but there is one important question that still remains

did you really killed your uncle?
Or was it a hallucination,just a visual dream?


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