Alien: Upside Down

Unfortunately in this world, everything is upside down, inverted, 

they call theirselves as "artists" for instance, they are not artists, 

they call themselves as musicians, lol they are not musicians, 

they consider themselves as poets, they are not poets however, 

they call themselves directors but they are not truly directors, 

they call themselves journalists but infact they might be anything else but surely not journalists.

Some of 'em call themselves "UFO Researches", researcher my ass, just a bunch of pathatic liers, the only thing they want is to make a little bit more cash through their bs & lies.

They want more subscribers for their youtube vidoes in order to make more profit and hence according to their needs they start to tell lies bigger and bigger increasingly,

they let theirselves to be turned to clowns 

because it is capitalism!

They call theirselves the so-called "businessmen" but they are not.

Mainstream media is the real dangerous virus, 

can we trust to their news, of course no, they manufacture and fabricate lies perpetually just like a god damn lying machine or something.

Liers, satanists, (saturnists), luciferians (venusians) pyschopaths, mass-murderers, 

ignorants, pop & celebrity culture, 

enemies of philosophy, fine arts, profoundity and wisdom.

The bloodline, the elite, Rotschild, Rockefeller, Soros, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Google, 

they are someting way more than ordinary capitalists, 

they are cartels, they are global monopoly companies, the centralized control and power, 

mafia, the sin city of Las Vegas

International Banking system, FED, IMF, World Bank, blood suckers, vampires, war-lords, nuclear bombs, 

weapon industry, drug dealers, gamble, fraud, man-made laboratory viruses, digital virisus, hijackers, trojans, tobacco & cigarette companies, corn schraube, junk food, fast food, the big pharma, killer machines, enemies of the mankind.

Disgusting flashing banners, ads, commercials popping up from everywhere on the web.

A social media tracking, logging and tracing your privacy every single second

they are always controlling and manipulating you, 

you are in a virtual 3D Matrix, you did choose the blue pill.

This world is controlled and ruled by truly satanist non-human entities. 

they always choose to earn easy money, easy cash, they don't care about people, they don't care about your health!!!

I choose to stand with the poor, homeless, mine workers,employees, downtrodden, backstreet kids, black people, women, 

every sort of person who are turly victims of social exclusions because of their differences, their nature, how they do naturally wanna look & feel or the way they choose to live including gays, lesbians or bisexuals or freaks or whatever, 

in short different people 

to be different than the others is not a crime!

If ı was Jesus ı would choose to stay with Maria Magdelena just like him, yes.

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