Alien: Neuralink, The Final Stage for The Fascist, Totalitarian New World Order!

Neuralink: Elon Musk's entire brain chip presentation in 14 minutes, Elon Musk showed off Neuralink's new implantable brain chip and demonstrated it working in real time on a pig.

This is the final stage in order to establish a totalitarian, fascist one world government, in other words an Orwellian state, 

the manipulation of people's perseption indirectly won't be necessary anymore because as clearly can be seen in this presentation they will be able to control people's brain and perseption directly through this new technology.

They will literally turn people into modern android robots in flesh and blood, they will be able to market and sell them whatever they want.

If you refuse or try to resist to implant this chip in your brain you won't be able to do or practice almost anything freely in your daily life as before.

for instance you won't be able to go to a hospital for a regular blood test because they won't be able to book your appointment, their registration system won't even be able to work correctly without an implant on your body.

So you will be forced to get it by the system or in other words by the cabal, the 3D Matrix.

But before that they will help to disabled people in order to make their daily lives easier through this tech and so they will try to present their chips as helpful, useful, harmless and pretty to the public eye and especially through the mainstream media as they always do

What a sinister, dark and disgusting agenda, ı really feel sorry for the future of mankind.

These people are truly psychopath satanists (Saturnists), they are all Orwellian pigs!

Keep in mind that the so-called "conspiracy theory" term was invented by the deep state and The C.I.A. in the late 50's in order to cover up their all kinds of shit.

These are facts, this is the truth, this is our inevitable destiny if you don't wake up to the facts!, Sleep no more!

St. Alien

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