St. Alien: Having A Discussion With Myself, Some Basic Questions And Answers


What's the main goal of The Cult of Horus?
Well basicly we aim to create a better world completely free without hatred,violence,wepaons,guns,destruction,commercialism,Nuclear reactors,politicans,elections,leaders,artificial borders,countries, primitive energy sources such as fossil fuel and corruption.

What we want is mercy,love,harmony and peace,a completely peaceful world without racism and sexism,we believe we are all brothers and sisters. 

We dream a green clean world without any issue such as climate change or global warming we like to take advantages of zero point energy and similar natural, free and clean energy sources such as wind enegy.

We don't want to exclude anyone,any gender or any movement from the society.

We consider ourselves as humanitarians but nothing else.

We also love all animals and animal rights,we consider "black cat" as a sort of our symbol by the way.

But the most important point here is our main purpose is to convert normal people to intellectual people,we are against pop culture,pop art and mainstream media magazine.

We are very much into fine arts,philosophy,literature,history,paranormal and spiritual subjects,music and especially medieval music,opera,Rock 'N' Roll, heavy metal,funk rock,fusion,etc.

We want to create a new society with intellectual values, we love sex so much and we don't consider it as a crime or sin however we also believe in loyalty to our partners and compassion is very important to us in particular.

But as a final step we are aiming to be a member of the universal galactic federation as a free and united one world people, in other words we want to be a part of the galactic federation as the planet earth.

We are also aiming to go public for our elite secrets such as manupilation of time and the fourth dimension, we believe in "We The People" notion so we don't want to hide anything from the public eye no more.

Our elite friends will no longer try to fool people through their adds, commercials,merchandasing, corruption,casinos,gambling,betting,cigarettes,the big pharma,etc,

They will also let the full recovery medication for cancer disease to take place which they have already in their possesion for a long long time.

What's your basic philosphy as a global cult?
Basicly our undrstanding is a brand new alien one world religion which is a religion of innocent children and the Smurfs however it al consists of the all basic positive values of all other Abrahamic religions already, you shouldn't lie for instance, stuff like that.

you may also consider our understanding as a kind of new age movement if you want to of course but the point is ı'm not here for some earthly interests,benefits,money,etc. 

I am definetely nor a sordid person ı can assure you about that, ı am not trying to calculate anything here.



What Else?
Well we think that every single thing on this planet earth should be free for everyone, no money and no business ı mean anything you can imagine including food and sex, well ı mean normally you are not supposed to be paying bills and rent as well ı believe.

We will produce our requirements all together as one through farming and some other new and modern agriculture methods.

Don't you afraid of to be considered as a mad man,a lunatic,imposter,false prophet,etc. Aren't you also scared to be attacked by some radicals or the mainstream media.

Well ı consider myself just as a messenger and ı have no other further claims, ı am a free person ı believe and therefore ı have no hesitation in order to put my ideas into words freely as a being living in a free world which is normally supposed to be and besides ı really don't afraid of no one ı supppose, 

To be honest ı feel so comfortable at the moment actually.

Thank you very much sir.
Your welcome buddy.

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