St. Alien: How Were The Pyramids Built?


T.B.N.S.might be having the same role and the functionalites with the moon becaue moon is also an artifical satellite of the elite it's the necessary power source of their all seeing eye, it's the eye in the sky probably hollow and a mother spaceship in disguise of a natural object form just as a comuoflage,the giza pyramids and the sphenx had been built by the ancient Egyptians so Zahi Hawass is right,the Ancient Egyptians built their great pyramids by pouring concrete into blocks high on the site rather than hauling up giant stones and that's not something so difficult to perform but the point is they have been controlled and manipulated by the elite,that's the real secret,the Draco anunnaki or whatever elite is able to control the humankind mentally through our pineal glands which are sort of recievers decoding the encoded information in our brains,in other words,they are kind of trojan backdoors in our brains since from the Garden of Eden and the creaton point.

We're sort of biological robots or androids but we're not aware of that fact,we might be thinking that we're free,well that's a lie ı'm afraid, you're just a barcode number,none of use is free,you're not free, you have never been free,you will never be free and you're not meant to be free anyway but a role playing model and a small part of this huge so realistic virtual reality but there're are countless amount of other simulations and their own uinque timelines which means there are countless number versions of you alive at the moment who's busy with doing and experiencing different things unlike this version of you,likeley another nationality, another family,life,another wife and even another kids.

First of all the elite had convinced the pharaohs to build that pyramids through mind manipulation technique but they thought that it was their own decision and own free-will (just as today’s top politicians,leaders and popular figures,celebrities) then they transmitted the necessary architectural and engineering knowledge which are based on their highly advanced technology to the architects,chiefs and engineers of the ancient Egyptian people and finally they used ancient Egyptian farmer worker’s bodies once again by controlling their body features and even hands to do it right but none of those Ancient Egpytian people including the pharaohs and the priests had seen those ancient elite extraterrestiral rulers,Djinns.

I haven’t heard all of these theories from someone else before including youtube videos,books,documentation,Google or any other similar sources and ı’ve figured the most important parts of these facts out by myself only and now ı’m working on a movie script with the name ‘Theft of Fire’ and ı will proudly be exposing all those secrets to the public eye and knowledge through this imaginary film but this film also will be trying to question and criticize pretty much all aspects of the fascism and the band Pink Floyd’s wall entirely,unfortunately we still have a lot of bricks in that wall despite the 21th century and every single brick is another social problem,inequality and injustice,a tribute to the deceased Mr. Alan Parker’s great film.

The well known charachteristics of the elite are as follows:

-The Ability of mind reading and Telepathy

-The ability of interdimensional travel, existance and control including the 4th and 5th dimensions.

-The ability of invisiblity

-The ablity of bending space time through their advanced-tech

-The ability of timeline manipulation and editing when necessary

-The ability of monitoring your past,predicting the future,knowing what's coming next.

-The ability of control and manipulation of human mind mentally.

St. Alien

(The Duke of Star Sirius)

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