St. Alien: No PopCorn (New Single,2023)

I was searching for some new melodies, ı'snt lookin' for too much sophistication but rather simplicity and depth and ı wanted it to be somewhere between the band Eloy's psychedelic melodies and Paradise Lost's Doom Metal,speaking of doom metal and psychedelic rock those genres are supposed be played slowly usually.

So ı figured the melodies out in minutes then composed it within half an hour something and recorded it just once on one single session and roughly just as how it is without editing it's natural state,ı saved all the detonations,ı could have cut it out,copy paste and then edit it through a lot of online and offline softwares and tools but;

 I think that's not even necessary.

As listening to it just try to ignore the detonations and focus on the melody and it's core which's the spirit of the melody.

Look closer,

Sense and feel



Why because ı composed and played it by a 5 dollars worth cheap foldable toy keyboard which's the only instrument available here at my house at the moment.

Well it's not even considered to be a real instrument actually if you ask me.

First of all it's completely flat not even possible to play the chords correctly because my fingers simply do not even fit in decently.

And furthermore as a lefthanded person ı'm not able to play it so fast like a virtuose because obviously this instrument was designed for right handed people in it's natural state.

I'm not a keyboard player but a drummer and composer.ı can replace and locate the snare and the hi-hat on the right side when ı play drums so ı don't face no issues normally but now ı don't have such an option.

Focus on the melody try to feel it and understand it then convert it to a studio recording track in your mind,use your imagination capacity if you can,add some bass guitar parts then the lead guitar riffs, the lead solo and finally the vocals and back vocals then record it in a pro studio and listen to it again.

The Title:
Once ı had met a person who eats popcon and drinks coke too much almost every single day as his primary meal then ı warned him up and said: 

Hey are you out of your mind, ı had experienced a heratache which's so terrible and ı's almost dead you know, and ı said please matey just stop it and get for yourself something better,more healtier for instance,you know.yeah, please.

The Subway Theory:
C'mon matey, you know that demogy is so cheap and easy,lol.

Dear friends please do not pay any attention to their ignorant and pathetic The Illuminati hush gesture,keep talking freely in a free society as much as you want,do not give a damn about their secret societies and expose everything to the public eye about every single dark and sinister secret of the elite


Cover art design and the single by St. Alien 
(Santa Clown).

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