St. Alien: The Peak of the Mountain

You're the one on the peak of the mountain
As ı rather to stay under the ground
Popularity,fame,the American dream
Your millions of fans do not mean to me anything.

Your soul sold to the devil
Not something to be proud of
Even your little innocence 
that remained from your younghood
that you still want to save for yourself
is not safe anymore either

Wander among the wolves,get lost in the shadows
Learn how to deal with bats and rats.
Renew yourself,getting younger,realistic silicone triangle
Dorian gray couldn't have been in competition with you whatsoever
Your pathetic artificial life under attractive but fake bright lights.
Always one step ahead of the people

You know what's coming next and your future is surely safe 
while the homeless are sleeping on the streets with some dogs
in the cold of minus 40 degrees

Keep having fun wih your cute pets, 
life is so easy,dancing with the devil
False breasts,exxagerated makeups,tons of pathetic lies
ı think you're not still aware of how you suck
and that's the real reason for 
why ı can't even bear to look at you

A fake silly mountain 
that ı never even would want to climb
Yes you're the king
but the king of fools
as we still stay under the ground
with the cools

St. Alien

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