Fight to be free, fight for your rights,fight against interestingly and surprisingly so much popular neo-nazist ideas,dystopian and totalitarian sort of one world order dreams,fight against ignorance, psychopaths,shallowness,pop culture fasicists,racists,callous and cruel people,fight against capitalists ans also modern capitalists.
Modern capitalism includes capitalist environmentalists,capitalist and bourgeous human and animal rights activists,capitalist gays and LGBT,capitalist anti-racists,capitalist feminists,etc.
Important note: I don't mean and refer to anticapitalist versions of these particular groups,individuals,people and ideas, ı respect them and ı love 'em too.
But on the other hand we have to provide,ensure,guarantee and maintain an economic wealth and social security for everyone based on absolute equality and especially for the poor and homeless and children, that's gotta be our priority and once we have achieved this very goal then we have to start to argue and devolope new ideas about solving the rest of the other problems in other words the rest of the bricks of the fascist wall.
Fight against politicans and all sort of political parties.
Because a political party also means hierarchy, hierarchy means leadership in other words masters and leaders and this very situation means inevitable absolute corruption inside of that particular political party.
Instead aim and dream a totally free society and libeterian socialist revolution on a global scale.
Where ain't no borders,no countries,no nations,no leaders and politicans, no poverty,no hunger,no famine,no homeless,no poor,no money,no commercials but absolute equality and justice, everybody is rich and happy.
Becuase that is quiet possible,we have enough sources to achive this goal globally unless a minority super rich %1 elite group atrempts to stop us.
They own % 99 of the total wealth of this world while the rest of the population (that means about %99) own the %1 slice of the cake only.
This is insane,totally corrupt, this is just madness.
Fight against the so realistic virtual reality,fight against the matrix structure which's more likely a very bad copy of the reality.
Perhaps that real universe had been destroyed way long ago because of so much greed and hunger of power that based on malevolent intentions due to a catastrophic cosmic antimatter war or perhaps an advanced nuclear war between opposed advanced civilisations and then some of the elite had decided to to create a similar so realistic simulation,a sort of virtual reality in order to commemorate the ancient real one, just a short while before that mega disaster who knows.
(Also avery nice screenplay idea isn't it?)
Fight against the masters of this fake reality whoever they're.
Genre: N.W.O.B.H.M.
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