St. Alien: Empty Fields Forever


1.Strawberry Fields Forever (The Beatles Official Music Video) (Watch Carefully)
2.What is the Matrix?
3.The Evidence We're Living In a So Realistic Advanced Simulation
4.Are We Living In A Simulation? (Zohrer Davoudi)
5.How Does The Matix Manipulation Really Look Like?
6.They Don't Want You To Know This (Andrew Tate)
7.Who's Our Creator (David Icke)
8.The Simulation Hypothesis(Neil deGrasse Tyson)
9.Is Reality An Illusion? (Professor Donald Hoffman)
10.Reality Is an Illusion (Professor Donald Hoffman)
11.The Simulation Hypothesis Documentary.

Playlist & Cover-Art by St. Alien - 2023

Taking yourself too seriously:
Well ı chooose not to underestimate myself dear sir,because ı surely know that ı'm so special.
Take my advice and you don't either unless you're a balloon.

I'm not because you can't see my name on google feeds and it's not mentioned on the mainstream every single day as well as worthless pop magazine covers and all other instruments of the fascist estabishment which's the most important element of the matrix.

A probable reaction:
'Well you say you're special but ı can not see it'.

Well there're lots of other things actually that you can't see either and especially thorough your limited five senses and balloon nature.

They do exist however,lol.

Limitations of the matrix won't allow you to see lot's of things either because infact it's particularly designed to revert being worthless to worth and worth to worthless on purpose.

Who exacty ls the great architect that those free masons have been talkin' about?
Is she the mother?
Is she sane or insane?
I'd like to meet her in person.

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