St. Alien: Alien Color Picker


ı've been lookin' for a working offline color-picker and identifier tool for Debian based Linux distros,ı tried a lot of guis from all sort of official and even unofficial repositories,none of 'em did work properly however so finally ı decided to buid my own script, now it works flawlessly and does its job, that's all what ı need.

This tool is also portable which means you may put it on a Usb flash drive and take it with you anywhere you wish,no installation process is even necessary.

I like to give it away for free as usual.

Coding Language:
Python v3.8 + some necessary libraries and some other dependencies.

Extract the downloaded file somewhere and then navigate to the extracted folder,right click,open a terminal window and type the followings as root.

apt-get install python3

and then type the following code whenever you like to use the portable software.


now it should be executed.

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