Alien: Call of Enlil

Call of Enlil
When Martin Scorsese starts to produce my documentary films
That means mabe ı am not even there anymore
and furthermore ı start to be suspicious about myself
that mabe something might be wrong
and If the top politicans start to come to my shows
that might be a clue perhaps
indicating that ı have just lost my soul

ı don't care about rock stars
but underground soul
if ı am a good rocker
then ı should not be very popular
if ı'm really rocking hard and fucking roll
then ı should not lose my amateur soul

a good musician must be positive
the feelings must be profund,deep
and the emotions have to be truly sincere
just like crazy giant ocean waves
hitting those rocks

my soul is not for sale and never will be
ı don't create art just for living
ı don't sell my productions for money

ı don't wanna be a subject of professional managers
telling me that what to do and not what to do
and a puppet of promoters and marketers
trying to impose me some revisions regarding my works 
which ı truly not desire and don't wanna do
no one can dictate my life!

A temporary entertainment clown acclaimed by millions
ı am not a so-called artist that had been created just like a balloon
designed and marketed by some other guys
and destined to be completely lost and forgotten,when ı got old

ı am not a ready to use product
and never will be.

Call of Enlil
ı will turn my back on you
and ı will keep following the path of Enki
The father of wisdom
the leader of virtue

And if you are still asking about my desire
ı would reply,just stand out of my light.


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