Alien: Child Saints of Eternity


Dear friends, ı surely know that most of the extraterrestrials are peaceful anarchists, they're benevolent, harmless, there's nothing to afraid of, they always act collectively and with love because they always consider themselves as one.

They believe in communal way of life, they hate selfishness, they're all evolved beyond money, they don't pay for nothing, they don't need to buy anything because everything is free and everyone is rich in their society anyway, there is no inequalities, just as a mesmerizing, beautiful heavenly lucid dream.

Yes, ı consider myself as enlightened, initiated, now ı know many things and when most of the population knows what ı know in the far future, the favorable conditions for a global real deal revolution will be available spontaneously already.

I like all the saints of the world, ı consider myself as a global universal citizen and an alien saint of the saviour.

I like all the clowns of the world as well, Peter Gabriel for instance or the band members of Alestorm, ı like 'em all so much cuz surely ı know that infact clowns are superior to normal people, they are all unbelievable people man, so funny and talented, they're so special actually.

But unfortunately Peter Gabriel and most of his musician collegues, in other words most of his generation made a huge mistake, they choosed to change their direction towards celebrity & pop culture and pop music genre,

in other words they couldn't manage to stick with Rock'N' Roll which was their original state, the've been captivated by fame, they walked away from their original wisdom, they broke their default settings, they lost control, they sold their souls to the devil, in other words to the planet Saturn, the cosmic mythological god of commercialism and corruption.

Well ı wouldn't do that and that's why ı'm superior to them

Fame, popularity, don't mean anything, it's just an illusion dear friends.

yeah he's dancin' but ı'm gonna ignore this time because he's dancing in a different way.

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