St. Alien: Gnome Transformation Pack (Blue Ankh Theme) for Ubuntu 22.04 - 64 Bit (Gnome 40-42)

A brand new "Golden Ankh Theme" and also "Gnome Transformation Pack " for "Ubuntu Linux  Distro 22.04 LTS"

Single command auto-installer, complete transformation pack from "Ubuntu Desktop "22.04 LTS - 64 Bit" to default Gnome desktop (Gnome 40-44+) including all gnome core applications right after next login.

I strongly suggest installing this package instead of a full "Gnome Desktop Package" right after a fresh and minimal Ubuntu 22.04 LTS OS installation on to your device because first of all this package does not contain extra and even relatively unnecessary third-party software such as "Remmina" or complete "Libra Office" for instance and secondly, it contains genuine stock "Gnome Desktop Environment" software only such as "Geary" stock Gnome e-mail client instead of "Thunderbird" which is a third-party non-gnome environment software.

Unfortunately, Gnome's default "Epiphany Browser" and 'Gnome Music' are not good enough by the way so ı rather use the "Google Chrome" web browser and 'G4Music' player instead which are also perfectly integrated with the Gnome 4 system but ı like to see stock Gnome software applications in my launcher anyways.

In short, this is a minimalistic and completely free package based on simplicity because the idea of Gnome Desktop Shell is based on simplicity and friendly usage anyway.

It's a gift from me to you guys.

"Ankh" is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol meaning reincarnation, afterlife, eternal life, or eternity.

Everything including custom Wallpaper, Icon Set, Boot Splash Screen, Login Screen, etc. has been designed and created by me except for the "Maya-Black Cursors Theme".


This package must be installed right upon a clean Ubuntu minimal installation for the best experience.

Extract the contents to somewhere and navigate to the downloaded folder in the terminal and type:

"sudo sh" (Without Quotes.)
(Sometimes you may need to repeat this process due to system updates).

Gnome 42 Dark Theme Apply Problem:

LibreOffice (Extra):
"sudo apt install libreoffice-gnome libreoffice"  (Without Quotes).

Text Boot Screen (Old School) (Extra):
If your boot screen is purple persistently (Due to Yor Graphic Cards) or if you like to get rid of the default Ubuntu boot screen quickly in accordance with "Gnome Desktop" then you may try this method alternatively:
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
Find the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" line and remove "quiet splash" (Keep Quotes)
sudo update-grub2

Gnome Games (Extra):
"sudo apt-get update" (without Quotes).
sudo apt-get install gnome-games-app (Without Quotes).

You may search for and install more softwares for Gnome Desktop Environment from the Snap Package Manager.
("Maps for Gnome" for instance).

Gedit default index.theme and replace 'DMZ-White'section with 'Maya-Black':
sudo gedit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
So it should look like this:

Check out "Help" folder for advanced customization.

Extra Software:
Get 'Google Chrome" from this link.
Install Flatpak (apt-get install flatpak) and then get the latest version of G4Music from their repo.

I'm not responsible for any probable damages on your system so use it at your own risk, it works fine on my system, however.

Desktop Screen:

Adwaita-Blue Folders:

About Screen:

Login Screen:

Boot Splash Screen:

Gnome Transformation Pack for Ubuntu on Pling (

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