St. Alien: James' Web

If truly this universe is limited in terms of it's boundries then what might be beyond this universe? 

What does exist beyond it's boundries? Another Space? Another Universe? Or just emptiness and if so what's beyond that emptiness?

These are some basic questions that still stand on the table of unexplained theological,philosophical and scientific matters if you ask me.

And ı think they will keep standing there forever just as the concept of god.

Because according to me simply our iq capasities as human beings are not enough to understand and explain such sophisticated and complicated theological matters, we can't understand god but we can feel it.

So if one day we evolve to some sort of more advanced and sophisticated entities in the distant future then will we be able to explain those subjects in terms of positive science?

My answer'd be still a certain No.

President Biden and NASA released the clearest-ever image of our young Universe recently dating to the time soon after the big-bang which suggests that about our universe might be about 13.8 billion years of age.

Yes,might be but that does not mean it's limited,ı still believe it''s infinite because there's no solid proof suggesting that another space or universe does not exist beyond it.

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician,philospher,physicist,inventor,author,theologian (he had some other talents and abilities as well) just as Hypatia, an extremely wise and intellectual person.

One day he asked:
"God is, or he is not. Which way should we incline?” Reason, Pascal knew, could never establish definitively whether God exists. 

Pascal deduced, however, that the act of believing in God could have two outcomes, depending on whether God exists.

 If God does not exist, nothing will happen to the believer. If God does exist, the believer will be blessed with eternal salvation.

 The non-believer also faces two possible outcomes. If God does not exist, he will suffer no consequences. 

If God does exist, the non-believer will face eternal damnation. The non-believer faces either no consequences or hell; the believer, no consequences or heaven. Faced with heaven or hell, Pascal reasoned, it makes sense to open oneself to faith.

So in this case what's the logic of not believing in the god?


We surely know that Bach who's considered to be the father of music had dedicated pretty much all of his compositions to the god directly.

Christianity was not meant to be a seperate stand-alone religion or religious belief in my opinion.

It's a great positive idea in order to reform Judaism just as Marthin Luther for instance which had been created by the james who's Joseph's son from his first wife, and Jesus's name was not Jesus originally by the way, he had been known with a different name, but we don't know what that name was actually.

They intended to seperate their religious understanding from the traditional judasim as a sort of sect with some other highly important moral values including love,compassion,modesty,wisdom and peacefullness.

They wanted to purify that very first Abrahamic ancient religion from it's cardinal side and roots including the planet Saturn'n cosmic power.

The incident when Jesus was trying to clean the temple of the moneychangers and fraud might be a good example but what so many don't know by the way is that he went there just because his brother James had provoked and encoureged him to do so,he's pissed off.

In short Christianity is not a religion but rather a sort of cult consisting of great values such as compassion,love,modesty and peacefulness, 

It's a very good way in order to comminicate with the source energy and ı truly love this cult it's also supposed to be the very best sect of Judaism, Jesus was a reformist person, just as Martin Luther for instance.

And if it's really a sort of sect,cult,a part,a fraction or a revison of a way more ancient,older major and utterly complicated belief system by itself already so how come it might have some other sects inside of it such as Orthodox,Catholic and Protestan churches, that's not even possible and not logical either.

It might be considred as a cult or a sect but surely not a seperate major religion that's what ı truly believe.

We have a problem with 'St. Paul' (Or Saul) actually, unfortunately he's the one who had seperated Christiantiy from being nothing more than a judaist sect so he turned it to a seperate stand-alone new religion, he's the resposible guy,he had caused all these problems through his lies in favour of the ancient Roman empire because he had considered himself as as a Roman citizen and a patriot rather a jew and that's why he introduced Jesus as a messiah, 

First of all Jesus never told that He's a messiah and secondly he didn't even know Jesus,James or his family or relevants personally.

He introduced him to the ancient public eye as a some sort of holy magician and a new prophet performing incredable miracles and magic and even himself personally during his distant vocations, none of 'em are true actually jesus never ever had performed a miracle not even once, he's a mentor, a spritual figure and a reformist but surely one hundred percent jew who strongly believed in his roots and judaism as well as his entire family.

He made up and produced his all lies based on his dreams,remarkable imagination capacity,hallucinations caused by red mushroom, hearsay information and speculative knowledge in ancient Tarsus because the ancient Roman authorities had intended to weaken the rebellions side of judaism, on that territory which's widely under their occupation at that period of time.
A similar incident had occured many years later with the traitor the so-called allagedly 'historian and writer' Josephus when he had made up the christianity's famous doctrine 'Turning the other chick' or in other words 'responding to injury without revenge and allowing more injury' which is a sort of extreme pasifism in favor of the ancient Roman authorities and the Vespesian family.

There's no such a thing as 'old' or 'new' testaments either, there's only one single testament and it's the testament.

And once again the political idea and the purpose was so obvious actually pasifying the jewish rebellions against Roman military and power by courtesy of this religious doctrine and understanding.

But later on the monster which they had created by their own hands had turned against them and started to became a serious threat for their polyamory paganist religous belief system and as a matter of fact they had been forced to convert to the Christianity in the end of course, that always happens actually we may see so many similar examples of this very political consiquence including so many different nations in our history and even today.

The U.S. support for Afghanistan war might be a perfect example for instance,lol.

So it's a matter of politics and once again the religion had been used in favor of politics as usual. Our entire history are filled with the so many examples of these disgusting politic maneuvers and manipulations actually.

On the other hand ı think belief and religion is a unseperetable nature of human beings just as eating or sex so simply ı don't see no logic in the idea of wiping out the harmful religon thing entirely from our daily lives and this planet earth because that's simply not even possible.

When we examine or study our history including our distant past we clearly can notice that from the very first beginning of our the civilisation religion had always been an indispensable part of our mankind and this might even be considered as a solid proof supporting my thesis because otherwise there should have been a couple of examples for the least but there's none,

Believing is a natural necessity.

Article by St. Alien - 2022

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