St. Alien: A Desperate Struggling In Vain

You can not hide the truth for so long.

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." 
Quetos from Elvis.

Another famous saying:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly,what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Nothing is at it seems,sometime some people those you consider as good and worthy might be just worthless despite of their all creativeness,imagination,greed and artistic side.

And sometimes those who you consider as worthless might be worthy.

We don't need people who are always hungry for power,we don't need those who thing that the best way to get more civilian is to conquer and destroy,we don't need imperialists.

We don't need more new Hitlers,Napoleons or Caesars, but Mahatma Gandhis,John Lennons and Nikola Teslas.

We need some people who surely understand that nothing is permenant in this world except for changes.

Sooner or later those territories and soil that you had conqiured once at the cost of hundreds of thousands of deaths will pass into the hands of some others.

The only truth you will sooner or later will come face to face with is death and the only thing that will remain from you are your bones.

I see a significant difference between good people and evil people rather than men and women,there are good women and there are good men, there are evil women and there are evil men.

Also there's a marked difference between rich and poor.

There's a huge difference between the %1 elite and the rest of the world.

You can not talk about leftist ideas,civil rights,women rights so on and so forth while you're hiding so many dark secrets from the public eye such as time manipulation, MK Ultra,The Draconians or better let's simply call it as the "X factor",you don't have no rights to do that.

Trying to combine and blend the popular culture with the intellectual surface is merely a trajicomic and desperate struggling in vain.

On one side you will have models,trends,fashion,playboy magazines,porn industry,prostotitues,trends,fashion,a so-called artifical glamorous nightlife and wayward lifestyle,expensive clothes,champaigns,etc.

And on the other side you will talk about labour rights,civil rights,leftist values,art,literature and so on.

That is not possible ı'm afraid.

I like to see all animal rights activist while doing something actively for those thousands of poor children dying because of poverty, famine and hunger all around the world.

And that's why actually ı always claimed that real art must not be created for money. 

Because art istelf has nothing to do with commercialism and money.

If a professional artist tries to earn his or her life just through trying to sell or market his/her art in other words if those professional artists are utterly depend on their artworks and productions in terms of their all income or salary then that fact could reduce their artwork's worth automatically as expected.

Because willingly or unwillingly in order to create marketing demands and some real buyers of the artist's artwork the artist must reconcile it with the values of the average public and popularity at some point.

In other words the aforementioned artist albeit unwillingly have to compromise with the low level expectations of the general society in terms of his/her artworks in order to make profit. 

And sometimes even though the aforementioned artist keep producing remarkable artworks he or she have to perform efforts in order to be more popular and celebrity this time especially in the mainstream media and sometimes those artists must even be ready to pay some prices or giving some sort of bribes for that.

If the example professional artist wants to critisize a specific political movement,idea,a current popular topic or an update or if the aforementioned artist wants to explain his/her personal ideas about some other celebrities' and famous people's claims for instance;

more likely he or she will highly hesitate before doing so this time.

Because once again our example pro artist will be worried about to loose a certain portion of his or her followers and fans who are also considered to be potential customers,in other words commercial buyers.

This example artist more likely wont want to risk a probable drop in his/her album sales and other incomes. (Gigs,promotions,commercials,etc.)

So the aforementioned pro artist once again will be forced to be fugutive and timid in his/her talkings and claims. (We call it as 'political and round talking' in Turkish language).

And sometimes we see some other examples such as the aforementioned artist may choose to take a side with a certain political idea or a movement (might be left or right wings) just in order to marginilize his/her incomes as focused on that specific part of the public.

In other words this pro artist choose to take advantage of this example political movement in order to take profit in other words he/she just uses them.

On the other hand of course they will at some point if they can manage to find another way because they're simply forced to do so.

So once again whe have an obvious problem which's called as' the system'.

The co-called allagedly "modern" western capitalism,the Keynesian theory and  free enterprise.

And the only alternate way is not communism, we have so many free libertarian options and solving methods but first of all we, ı mean the mankind entirely have to consider ourselves as one, that's the most important crucial part, we have to leave all sort of artificially created imaginary differences,identities,seperations,camps and borders behind us firstly.

We have to become a universal galactic civilisations that starts to communicate with other lifeforms all across the universe.

We can not continue and go any further with jeaolusy,greed,hunger for power,evil,manovelent and sordid expectations,a piece of worthless paper called as money.wannabe ideas,fraud and those sort of similar crap.

I'm a universal being, a civil man of the world.

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