St. Alien: The Satire of Sarcasm

Greetings from another earth,ı don't care about women rights but good women rights only because to be honest ı'm not interested in evil ladies' rights, if you're an evil slut then just go to hell!

Black lives matter and some even say all lives matter but honestly to me respectful and gentle black people's lives matter only,if you're a goddamn black guy who has so many things in common with a guy like Mussolini or if you have so many similarities with a guy like Hitler then just go to hell, screw you mamafucker.

And the same goes for other communities or movements such as Lgbt rights,alien rights,etc.

If you're an evil alien ı've nothin' to do with you, nothing at all pal, ı don't give a shit about your problems, go screw yourself.

When ı watched the 1967 movie 'In The Heat of the Night'  many years ago when ı's a child ı really felt sorry for the guy and ı had cried not because he's black but he's a respectful and truly good person.

The very same goes for the another great film 'Missisipi Burning' from 1988 for instance.

In short our major problem in this world is the lack of goodwill and the kingdom of malice and greed as usual.

If we try to establish a free-spirit hipster commune in a remote area consisting of innocent and nice people only most likely sooner or later one day some evil mamafuckers will show up and start to exploit and take advantege of those innocent bona fide people in our community.

When they will realize that money for nothing and chicks for free in our free community then likely then they will start to force people to play poker in order to seize their all sort of clothes,gadgets and other sort of usuefull stuff.

Or mabe they will likely pick some wild berries and red mushrooms in the woods and then try to sell 'em to us for our souls in return.

In short they will shit inside of our hipster community and turn it to a modern city nightmare that we had tried to escape from already.

Good people have to be organiized somehow and then fight against evil people that's what ı believe briefly actually.

When ı's watching the beautiful movie, Fellini's 1969 film Satyricon which is a free adabtation of the first century A.D. ancient Roman author Petronius just yesterday ı've been thinking all those things that ı mentioned here on the other hand in my mind while enjoying the film.

This's a surrealist & absurd combination sort of a production in form of a sort of historical theater play that is one hundred percent in accordance with my understanding of art and mabe that's why ı'm still under the influence of the film since yesterday which is supposed to be considered as a masterpiece in my opinion.

Supposedly this film also might slightly might be based on Fellini's acid trip experiences according to widely used imaginative and vague dialogues in a sort of dark abstract atmosphere which reminds me a bit of my otherworldy realms right over here.

All events take place during the reign of the infamous emperor Nero and his successsor Emperor Galba.

Appareantly our ancient writer Petronius was the ancestor of modern socialist and anarchist ideas because obviously he's trying to satirize a few privileged and wayward elite group dwelling in the Emperor's palace and suprisingly even some corrupt highly rich merchants that marketing sex workers,ancient drugs and sort of stuff like that.

And likely that's why Mr Fellini did choose to adabt this kind of ancient novel even though so many peaces and chapters of this highly remarkable work are missing or incomplete as a sarcastic and satiristic surrelaist dark sort of comedy.

He completed this ancient work through his genius and artistic imagination capacity in his mind and then converted to a movie.

The movie title Satyricon, is the latin ancestor version of the English term 'Satire 'of course by the way.

The literature of satirism, sometimes through poets and sometimes fantasy novels.

A corrupt ancient society,racism,slavery,injustice,inequality,sodomizing young boys,sorgies,unneccesary violence,weird dark rituals,animal and human sacrifices and even organized murder and assassinations might be considered as normal for a two thousand years old ancient civilisation at some point of course.

But murder,pedophilic disorders and similar perversions should be definetely considered as official crimes for our current modern standarts,ı think this is an unquestionable certanty,period.

But if we look at the bright side,Ancient Sumerian,Egyptian,Greek and Roman civilisations shoud be considred as the cradle of our modern western civilisation.

Whenever someone says the term 'Ancient Rome' it reminds me of pantheons,temples,myhthology,ancient gods, Roman baths,beautiful Ancient Roman architecture style,gladiator fights,oval or circular amphitheaters,agoras,fine arts,philosophy,wine,honey,grapes,olives,organic tomatoes,eggs,wallnuts,cooked delicious bread,big ass sex workers,erotic graffities and decorative paintings on the walls,sculptures,so on and so forth instantly.

And most importantly Ancient Roman civilisation was honest for their fascist sort of acts for the least in comparison to our allagedly so-called 'modern' capitalist civilisation,they did not pretend to seem from outside as modern on one hand but fascist behind the curtain on the other hand,they were not fake for the least, they had lived and experienced fascism openly without trying to hide their ugly faces but on the other hand they had experienced the art of beauty and joy in terms of all aspects.

But what we have been experiencing were environmental,pollusion,climate change,fosile based primitive sort of energy sources, nuclear wastes,plastic oceans, two big world wars,thousands of millions of death and other nightmares such as Chernobyl accident in our recent history mostly.

Nowadays a popular new question has been circulating in our UFO community.

Why reality is classified?

That's excactly what ı's trying to talk about, what kind of a world is that we live in? 

How ridiicilous and weirdo everything, it's time to wake up,the age of Aquarius,etc.

How come we can live in a world like that while protecting our sanity and without rebelling consisting of political,non-political,sometimes organized and sometimes ordinary so many unsolved murder cases for example?

Obviously JFK assassination might be a good example.

We're used to those sorf of things some say.

But how? I don't get it,are thouse guys insane?

But on the other hand ı've another highly important question, what is reality anyway?

Because appareantly everything's manipulated and controlled by some mysterious supreme powers and a few previleged elite group, more likely we humans are all sort of fish in a bowl,we are not able to see them but they are able to observe us from outside so easy that means other dimensions or higher realms.

 Everything indicates a kind of virtual ,matrix environment, a huge and highly advanced software,the kingdom of red pills against blue pills.

So once again,what exactly means reality?

Doesn't make sense to me. 

I think ı am about to become an anarcho-nihilist or something.

The major two difference etween David Icke's Draco Reptilians theory and my theory:

1.Draco reptilians have obviously some sort of extraterrestrial reptile shape shifters but according to my theory the global rulers or the elite if you will don't have a physical shape at all, they are from 4 and 5th dimensions and they're invisible to the naked eye just as spirits or some sort of ghosts.

That's exactly why ı rather to Call Em' as 'X'.

But they are surely able to shape shift and take any visual 3D form they wish on the other hand including a reptelian body form or simply a human being.

These guys are mentioned and known as 'Jinns' in ancient texts and holy religious books actually.

2.These supreme entities are able to manipulate or bend time and space as seperate dimensions,and they have a huge MK Ultra mind manipulation and control capacity which means there's no such a thing as time for them, they can predict or see the future or past anytime and anywhere they wish, a sort of hacking the time concept if you will and ı had also realized that David Icke does not talk about their most significant such features so oftenly prefereably but he knew these facts from the beginning ı guess.

Take my advice and do not trust those sort of pro conpiracy theorists and authors who are obviously trying to make profit through these sorf of paranormal subjects, but you can surely trust guys like me who doesn't have no materialistic sort of expectations and benefits from these sort of topics,

I know 'em very well,believe it or not but ı've communicated with them and ı've been in touch with them several times directly, even today.

The devil you know actually,that's what they'rei even the term 'Genius' might be originated from the word 'Jinn' ı haven't checked out so far but might be ı suppose.

'Before Christ after Fellini' they say.

No ı think after Christ and before me.

Watch the movie with English subs from this link directly.

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