St. Alien: Sister Miriam


 Around 1370 BC during the reign of Amenhotep III who is also known as the Amonhetep The Magneficent or Great as the ninth pharoah of the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt, an ordinary peasent jewish family had adobted a son.

The members of this family consisting of the father Amram his wife and also actual aunt Jochebed and their two children Aaron and Miriam (Mary,Meryem) were all very kind and mercyful persons who had so much compassion especially for children.

Thutmose had been placed as a baby in a little boat made of wooden and papirus and abondened to the holy waters of the river Nile by his actual mother for an unknown mysterious reason.

Eventually the babe's small boat had stucked among the wild bushes of the riverside at some point and later on Miriam who was a drums & percusssions and tambourine player also singer and dancer had found him, become her elder-sister and as a matter of fact her family had adopted him.

According to the original story in chapter 2 of the Book of Exodus in the Hebrew Bible however the lady that had saved the baby from the waters was the daughter of Pharoah Rameses the second but ı think that is not true ı'm afarid,dates,the period of time,actual persons,names and everything pretty much wrong.

But later on when Thutmose was a teenager he had devoloped somehow some good relationships wiith the royalty and the royal family and then had become Prince Thutmose, the elder brother of the other prince Amonhetep the fourth also known as the pharoah Akhenaten.

After a while according to the original historical texts Prince Thutmose disappears from the public records and appears to have died some time during the third decade of Amenhotep III's kingship, fairly late. In his place, his younger brother Amenhotep IV, later known as Akhenaten, succeeded to the throne but that's the exact point actually where the story of Exodus begins, he didn't disappear but had become Prohphet Moses who had saved his Jewish gentiles from the slavery and the cruel,ruthless kingship of Amenhatep the third in particualar rather than his step brother.

Thutmose (Prophet Moses) was stutter, he was having a lot of difficulties while talking so his other step brother Aaron had carried out the negotiations instead with the Pharoah who is most likely his other royal step brother in order convince him to set free his gentiles for a long distant journey towards the holy promised lands and finally they had succeeded to do so.

During this journey Thutmose had paided a visit into the mountain Sinai in order to get his holy ancient stones including the ten commandments.

The first was broken however because he got really pissed off when he noticed that his moron bro Aaron and his collegues had constructed a golden calf made of his whole gentiles' jewellery and fortune in order to worship as their legit god or something and he was right of course so he has smashed the first one in anger and then returned back to the holy mountain and got one more, but that particular newer one was official this time.

Moses had stayed on the summit of the mountain Sinai for forty days and strangely enough Jesus was also stayed in the desert for forty days as fasting and starving,holy calf, what a coincidence isn't it?

Well, perhaps just copy-paste how about that?


A couple of days ago ı's thinking to myself, holy calf why don't we have no female prophet as prophetess in our entire history? Not even one, even the goddamn religions are patriarch and sexiest bro.

Prince Thutmose and Prince Akhenaten were blood brothers since their very childhood and Prince Akhanaten had promised to Prince Thutmose  to set all jews free right upon his coronation because he was a good and mercyful person too,Thutmose had convinced him to do so and prepared him for the Exodues event.

Butthen ı figured the fact br sister Miriam was the first prophetess actually,she's so cool.

No dancin' but fishin' however.

So this's the my version of the classic story pal.

Article By St. Alien - 2022

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