The New Wave Volume 10 by St. Alien 2023 Full Album HQ


Track Listing:
1.Still Got The Hunger (Gaskin)
2.Don't Talk About Love (Gaskin)
3.Only The Brave (Gaskin)
4.Stand Or Fall (Gaskin)
5.Breaking My Heart (Gaskin)
6.England My England (Gaskin)
7.The Contract (Gaskin)
8.Man's World (Gaskin)
9.Heart Like Thunder (Gaskin)
10.Wake Up Dead (Gaskin)
11.Six,Six,Six (Geddes Axe)
12.Killer on the Run (Genghis Khan)
13.No Surrender (Genghis Khan)
14.Searching For Glory (Glasgow)
15.We Will Rock (Glasgow)
16.Secrets In the Dark (Glasgow)
17.Back On The Run (Glasgow)
18.Give Me Your Love (Goldsmith)
19.Evil Woman (Goldsmith)
20.Please Don't (Gold Smith)

Once again 20 rairly known beautiful tracks chosen by me from some of rairly known 80's underground British metal bands.

This's just volume 10,to be continued.

Genre: N.W.O.B.H.M.

Cover design and playlist by St. Alien.

-Genghis Khan is the pre-name of the band Tokyo Blade.

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