The New Wave Volume 9 by St. Alien 2023 Full Album HQ


Track Listting:
1.The Hunger (Dragonslayer)
2.Hot Lover (Dumpy's Rusty Nuts)
3.Gimme ust A Little Rock 'N' Roll (E.F. Band)
4.Cold Sweat (Energy)
5.Fight for Your Freedom (Energy)
6.No-Go (Energy)
7.Try To Lie (Explorer)
8.Spotlight (Export)
9.Runnin' Back (For More) (Export)
10.I Never Met A Woman Like You (Ezy Meat)
11.Change (Firebird)
12.Invasion (Fireclown)
13.Poor Man (Fireclown)
14.Flight 19 (Flight 19)
15.Love In The City (Forger)
16.Gypsy Dancer (Frenzy) (No Dancin' but Fishin')
17.Sweet Dream Maker (Gaskin)
18.Handful of Reasons (Gaskin)
19.Ready for Love (Gaskin)
20.Queen of Flames (Guskin)

Once again 20 rairly known beautiful tracks chosen by me from some of rairly known 80's underground British metal bands.

This's just volume 9,to be continued.

Genre: N.W.O.B.H.M.

Cover design and playlist by St. Alien.

A short story Regarding N.WO.B.H.M.:
Once there's a N.W.O.B.H.M. band with the name 'Fast Kutz' and one day they've been playing live on BBC one channel's 'Friday Rock Show' in England and that week also Ozzy was reviewing new albums on the same show and then after watchin 'em live Ozzy raved about the band saying they were “the most energetic band he’d heard in ages,it’s good music man,someone should sign these guys up man,tell them to give me a ring and ı'll see what I can do for them“.

Straight after the show was broadcasted the band tried to get in touch with Ozzy’s management, but unfortunately nothing came of it.

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